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Over the next couple days Kara managed to get her journalism work completed and emailed back to her professors while Lena worked on her own work. Today was Friday. But for the two women it was the first day of the trial for Mike and James. Kara was curled up on the sofa next to Lena as they watched the televised trial. "It's gonna be ok darling. I'm right here with you." Lena whispered. "Did you call everyone?" Kara asked. "Yes they're coming..." Lena was cut off by knocks on the door. "Now!" Lena stated as she opened the door to let Sam, Alex, Maggie, Eliza, Lillian and Eve came in. They all took seats on the large sofa surrounding Kara.

"Lex is with the lawyer. He's our eyes and ears in case everything isn't said on the television." Lena whispered seeing Kara's sudden face change. "Ok..." Kara whispered. Lena wrapped her arm around the blonde pulling her into her chest. "I've ordered food. I hope everyone likes potstickers and pizza!" Maggie stated trying to lighten the mood. Everyone nodded in agreement their eyes fixed on the large television. Alex sat on the other side of Kara her hand on her sister's leg.

Inside the courtroom the judge eyed the defendants with what Sam and Maggie would describe as pure anger and hatred in her eyes. The camera panned the courtroom and everyone saw Lex sitting next to the lawyer across the walkway from James and Mike. Suddenly everything began! Kara's lawyer began explaining everything that happened to the jury while James and Mike shared looks and snickered to one another. The judge instantly noticed this and eyed them. "ORDER IN MY COURT ROOM! OR YOU'LL BE HELD IN CONTEMPT!" She bellowed instantly shutting them up.

She then turned to the lawyer and nodded for him to continue. "Your honor, I have the video testimony of Miss Luthor and Miss Danvers. If it pleases the court I'd like to play it for the jury now." The lawyer stated. "The floor is yours." The judge stated with a smile. Kara turned her head into Lena's side slamming her eyes shut. She didn't want to re hear that again. "It's ok darling I'm here." Lena whispered as she rubbed Kara's back slowly.

Everyone watched in horror as they listened to Kara retelling what happened that night. "And that's when you found her Miss Luthor?" They heard the lawyer ask. "Yes...she was covered in blood and bruises. I covered her with the sheet before calling the police." The courthouse hell silent as the jury watched with tears brimming their eyes as Lena spoke even Lex as tough as he was as business man was shuttering at the video.

Then the lawyer for Mike and James began talking. Telling the jury that Kara was in agreement for this to happen. Kara had tears pouring down her face by this point her head tucked into Lena's side. It was at this point that their food arrived and Sam grabbed it from the delivery boy and sat it on the coffee table before getting everyone a drink. Kara held the box of potstickers on her lap and slowly began eating them.

The lawyers bantered back and forth with the deliberations. The court room grew tense, as did Lena and Kara's living room. "We'll take a fifteen minute break to let the jury deliberate then we will reconvene." The judge snapped.

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