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A few hours later there was a knock at their door, Kara made no attempt to get up as Lena had beaten her to the door with oven mitts on her hands. "Lex! Eve! Come in! Kara's on the sofa! Make yourselves comfortable! Lunch is almost ready." Lena greeted her brother and her sister in law with a quick hug before they headed to Kara. "Kara! How are you doing dear?" Eve cooed as she sat beside the blonde. "I'm ok...Lena's been helping me get over everything. It's ok if you want to hug me Eve!" Kara replied as the other blonde pulled her into a hug. "Glad to see your ok Kara! Lena's been keeping us updated. I don't want you to worry one bit though. Those boys will get what they deserve! I've already arranged a meeting with the lawyer. Is it ok if I give my sister's girlfriend a hug?" Lex asked as he sat on the edge of the sofa. "Of course Lex! Thank you again for everything!" Kara replied as they shared a quick hug. "You're practically family dear! This is what family does." Lex stated as he stood up taking off his outer coat and hanging it up before sitting in one of the chairs.

A few minutes later Lillian came in followed by Eliza, Sam, Alex, and Maggie. Everyone shared a careful hug with Kara while Lena finished up their meal. "Everything's ready! Come sit." Lena announced as she scurried over to help Kara off the sofa. "I'm ok Lee...I promise." Kara cooed. "I know...let me help you though ok." Lena stated. Kara knew not to argue with her girlfriend, so she just sighed and allowed her to dote on her.

Kara sat next to Lena as they ate the wonderful lunch she prepared. "This is really good!" Eve chimed in. "I have to agree with my wife little sister! It is really wonderful!" Lex added. Everyone else chorussed their thoughts of the meal. No one had nothing bad to say about it. Half way through the meal Lena noticed that Kara was getting uncomfortable before she could excuse herself the blonde leaned in and whispered in her ear. "I'm gonna go lay down. My body aches, thank everyone for coming for me please Lee." Kara whispered. "I'll be right back!" Lena told everyone as Kara left the table.

Lena helped Kara get into some comfortable clothes before getting into bed. "Lee?" Kara half whispered. "Yes darling...?" Lena replied. "I love you!" Kara replied with a smile. "I love you too Kar. I'll be back in a little while okay." Lena stated as Kara nodded as she shut her eyes. Lena returned to the table and sat down. "Her ribs were bothering her. I gave her another pain pill and now she's napping. She wanted me to thank you all for coming today, it means a lot to her." Lena stated as she wiped a stray tear from her eye. "Oh darling! It's gonna be ok! Kara is a strong woman! She'll bounce back soon enough, it'll just take time." Lillian cooed softly.

A little while later everyone finished their meal, before Lena could start gathering the plates Lex stood up and began doing it for her. "We'll clean up sis! You go check on Kara." Lex stated with a smile. "Ok..." Lena replied quietly before she headed back to their room.

Kara was sound asleep in their bed so Lena made a check of her stitches and bruises again before recovering her up with the blanket. As she turned around she saw Alex and Sam standing in the doorway. "Hey guys!" Lena whispered. "You ok Lee?" Alex asked. "Yea...just checking her bruises and stitches again." Lena stated. "We're gonna head out now. We just come to say our goodbyes." Sam stated with a smile. "See you all later." Lena said as they shared hugs before she went back to Kara's bedside gently brushing her hair back from her face.

Lillian and Eliza now stood in the doorway with their own smiles on their faces. "I dare say it won't be long till we are all are officially family." Lillian whispered. "I agree. There isn't another woman I'd rather have looking after Kara though. Lena dotes on her, she did it even in the hospital." Eliza replied before they too ducked out and left their daughters alone.

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