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After unpacking the clothes and putting them into the hospital room closet Lena sat in a large chair next to Kara. "I'll be taking my leave now. An officer will be by in the morning to check in on you all." The officer stated. "Thank you!" Eliza stated with a smile. "Of course! Have a good night everyone!" The officer said as he left the room and shutting the door behind him. "Has anyone told Maggie?" Alex asked looking at everyone. "Not yet. She's still out of town. I'll call her in the morning." Lena replied. They all sat in silence for a long time when Eliza stood up and began speaking. "Well, I'm gonna go back to your apartment and get some rest. Lena would you like to come back with me?" Eliza asked. "No. I'm not gonna leave Kara's side." Lena caught herself saying before she could stop the words from spilling out of her mouth. "I understand. Well girls? Are you coming back or will you be staying?" Eliza asked. "I think we'll both go. We both have to work in the morning." Alex said as she stood up and walked over to Kara's bed.

Gently she leaned in and kissed her sister's cheek. "Sam and me are going home now Kar...Lena's gonna be here with you though. I love you Kar...I'll be back tomorrow night." Alex said as she wiped a tear from her eyes as she and Sam switched places to bid their goodbyes. "We'll see you tomorrow Lee!" Sam called as they headed out the door. Once everyone was gone Lena let herself continue crying to herself as she held Kara's hand. "I''m never gonna leave you again Kara, I swear it. I love you too much to ever leave your side again. I promise I'm gonna stay with you forever." Lena vowed as she kissed Kara's cheek before returning to the chair placing a hand on the bed before she fell asleep.

Lena had a restless night in the chair as she kept waking up to check on Kara. The blonde slept peacefully throughout the night, never waking up even when the nurses came in to check her vitals or draw blood. When morning came Lena stretched and groaned as she got out of the chair. Looking over Kara who was still sleeping she tipped to the bathroom where she took a proper shower and got dressed in a new outfit.

Upon returning to the room she saw there were two trays full of breakfast foods sitting on the table beside Kara. "She should be waking up anytime now." A nurse told her as she came in and checked her vitals. "Ok thank you." Lena replied with a smile as she took a seat int eh chair again. Lena began picking at the food slowly before eating the bagel with cream cheese on it and sipping the orange juice. As she ate she looked out the window at the city before them and sighed.

"Le...Lena?" A raspy voice caused the raven haired woman to jump and turn around. "Kara! Your awake! How are you feeling?" Lena asked she began to go in for a hug but stopped. "It's ok..you can hug me Lee..." Kara whispered as she gently sat up in bed. "I'm sooo sorry Kara! I should have stayed there that night...then I could have stopped them...I....I..." Lena sobbed into the blondes gown. "Lee...Lena...it's not your fault. I'm just glad you found me and brought me here." Kara whispered. Lena's mind began racing praying that the blonde hadn't heard anything she said.

As they pulled back Kara couldn't help but smile as she began to remember all the sweet words Lena had told her since she got to the hospital. "Your mom, Alex and Sam were here last night until late. I stayed here to keep you company...I've still got to call Maggie in a little bit though. They've been taken into custody...I went back yesterday and got our things. Your clothes are in the closet there with mine. We don't need to go back to college for the rest of the year, Dean Grant got it so we can do our work on our laptops. Umm...everyone will be back tonight. Would you like some help eating? The food's ok..." Lena rambled.

"Uh sure...I could eat...here sit down beside me..." Kara replied as Lena took a her seat and pulled the tray over to them. "Ah! Looks like you got the better food. Here have a sip of the orange juice." Lena stated as she put the contents into the glass before adding a straw and holding it up to Kara's lips. The blonde sipped it happily before moving her head back. "Want some eggs? Or bacon?" Lena asked. "Not right now...Lee?" Kara asked looking at her best friend. "Yes?" Lena replied.

"What you said last...well....did you mean it?" Kara asked looking lovingly up at Lena who was swallowing hard. "Yes Kar....I meant every word..." Lena replied.

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