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The next morning started off early for the women. Kara woke up to Lena lying across her chest after their late night fun. "Lee..wake up love..we need to get up so we can go to work." Kara whispered. Lena grumbled as she opened her eyes. "Uh...ok.." Lena groaned. "I'll make breakfast, you shower first." Kara said as she sat up. Lena nodded and headed to the bathroom. Kara got up slipping on some clothes as she headed out to the kitchen to make a quick breakfast for them both.

A few minutes later breakfast was ready and so was Lena. "This looks delicious!" Lena exclaimed as she sat down. "Eat up Lee, I'm gonna go shower right quick." Kara replied. Lena nodded and continued eating. A little bit later Kara came out all ready for work. "So? Lunch your office or mine?" Kara asked as they go into the car. "We can have it at yours today. It'll be a nice change of scenery." Lena replied. "Alright." Kara replied with a smile.

Lena lay her head on Kara's shoulder as they rode in to work. "You alright Lee?" Kara asked. "Yes, just a little sore from last night." Lena replied. "Oh...sorry." Kara replied. "No your not, but its ok. I had fun...and I never complained." Lena replied with a smirk. "I'm glad, cause I had fun too." Kara replied. "Mmm...we'll have to do it some more tonight." Lena replied with a smirk. "You're so adorable when you do that." Kara whispered. "I'll smirk more often." Lena teased.

A few minutes later they were pulling up to Cat Co. "Have a good day darling. I'll see you later for lunch." Lena said as they stood out in front of the doors. "I look forward to it. Don't work too hard sweetheart." Kara replied. They shared a quick kiss before separating. "Love you!" Lena called out. "Love you too Lee!" Kara replied before she disappeared into the building.

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