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By the second week on the private island the woman had crossed off things off the list. Currently they were sitting in a small restaurant inside the village near the villa. "This is just what we needed. A day out of the house to go shopping and eat some local cuisine." Lena said. "I think after this we should do some shopping, get some stuff to bring home for our friends and family." Kara suggested. "I agree." Lena replied with a smile as they continued eating their lunch.

A few minutes later the couple left the restaurant and began walking to a nearby shop to purchase some touristy things. "Oooh shirts! Come on Lee! Let's get matching ones." Kara gushed. "Ok love." Lena replied with a smile on her face. They looked at a few different shirt options before settling on two matching shirts they could buy. "I love them!" Lena said. "Let's get them. We can wear them home." Kara replied. "I like that idea." Lena added as they paid for everything. "To the villa now?" Kara asked wagging her eyebrows at her wife. "Yes, I think thats a divine idea." Lena purred. Upon returning to the villa they immediately began pulling at each other's clothes till they were both naked and moaning on the sofa.

Meanwhile in National City Lilian is sitting at a restaurant opposite Eliza. Today is their annual lunch, they started having them when Kara and Lena got together. "Have you heard from them?" Eliza asked. "Not since they arrived. What about you?" Lilian asked. "I heard from them the day after they arrived and thats about it. But I'm sure they're having a wonderful time." Eliza replied. "I'm sure they are. I'll be glad when they return though." Lilian added. "Oh me too, Alex and Sam are already planning a 'welcome home' party." Eliza stated. "That sounds like fun." Lilian replied with a smile. "Knowing those two it will be interesting." Eliza replied laughing.

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