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Lena continued to feed Kara her breakfast until it was all gone off the plate. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna call Maggie now ok?" Lena asked with a smile. Kara nodded as she watched the raven haired woman walk to the opposite side of the room and began calling Sam. "Hey Maggie! That's good to hear! Listen Maggie ...Kara's in the hospital! Something happened over the weekend and well..I don't want to into too many details...ok! I'll see you then Maggie! Yes I'll tell Kara you're coming! She's actually right here with me but she's sleeping..ok! Yes I love you Mags! Ok bye!" Lena hung the phone up and returned to Kara's bedside. "Is she freaking out?" Kara asked softly. "I thought you were sleeping! But yes she is freaking out! She'll be here tomorrow morning." Lena replied.

Kara took a moment to examine the raven haired woman's face before speaking again. "Lena? When you said you'd stay with me forever...what did you mean by it?" Looking up into the piercing blue eyes of the blonde. "I meant that I'd be by your side for however long you wanted me to be, and in whatever way you wanted me to be. No matter if it's friends, or something more, I'm by your side no matter what happens. I don't expect you to decide now, or ever but I just wanted you to know that I'll be here for you Kara." Lena explained.

Kara took her good hand and wiped the tears from her face before speaking. Kara reached out and took Lena by the hand before she spoke. "Lena, I love you...as more than a friend...however I'm not physically or mentally ready for a relationship. And I know if anyone would understand, it would be you." Kara replied with a smile. "How long? How long have you felt this way?" Lena asked. "Since freshman year..." Kara admitted with a smile. "You should have said something...I felt the same since then too!" Len admitted. Smiles graced their faces just as Lena's phone rang. "Hello! Yes she's awake! I helped her eat her breakfast and it happened! Yea...shut up Alex!" Lena groaned. "Ok! I'll see you guys later!" Lena added as she hung the call up. "Your sister, mom, and Sam will be in later." Lena replied with a smile.

"So? Alex knew how you felt? And you never told me...Lee! If I wasn't sore I'd kick your ass!" Kara groaned as she tired to move. "Oh relax! You know now..don't you...and it was Eliza who figured it out first then I told Alex and she told Sam and Maggie. However none of that matters now because you're still stuck with me as your best friend and whatever you want us to be in the future." Lena replied. Kara couldn't help but smile at the green eyed woman who sat on her bed side. "How are you feeling? Are you hungry still? I can run to the cafeteria and get you something more...or to the vending machine...or something!" Lena rambled. "Lee...I'm ok...I just want to hold your hand and talk till everyone arrives." Kara replied.

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