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Finally! The day of their graduation had come! Kara and Lena were very relieved that this day was here, they'd finished their finals, talked about wether or not they'd have a party, and decided that they'd have dinner instead of a big party. Just inviting a  few friends over to dinner. "So..what will we be making?" Kara asked as she got ready. "My mom's bringing over a roast. And your mom's bringing the desserts, Lex and Ever are bringing the sides and everyone else is bringing everything else. Relax darling...everything will be fine." Lena replied softly as she kissed her forehead.

A little while later they were heading to the campus for graduation. As they walked Lena felt Kara tensing up, so she wrapped an arm around the blonde and pulled her close to her side. Everyone was gathered in various classrooms waiting or them to be told to go to the stage. Lena helped out Kara's gown on and pinned her flower on it before putting on all her ribbons and sashes, before putting her own cap and gown on. When they were finished they stood together holding hands when someone approached them. "Hi...I just wanted to come up and tell you that you were so brave for testifying against them. I...I can't believe I called those assholes my friends. I'm sorry for what they did to you Kara.." The guy said softly. "Thank you..." Kara replied. "Winn...you can call me Winn." He said with a small smile. "Thank you Winn." Kara replied.

When he was gone Lena turned to Kara and hugged her. "That was very brave of you darling. I'm proud of you." Lena whispered as she kissed her cheek. A few minutes later they were being called to the stage. Kara sat next to Lena as the speeches began. They looked out on the crowd and quickly spotted their families sitting together all sporting smiles on their faces.

"Kara Danvers!" Cat Grant called out over the microphone. Kara walked up to her with a smile on her face and took her diploma and hugged the dean before returning to her seat. A little while later they were on the 'L's' and Lena was being called. "Lena Luthor!' Cat announced. She took her diploma, hugged Cat, just as Kara did and returned to her seat. An hour or so later the graduation ceremony was finished and everyone was on the lawn having pictures taken by family. Kara and Lena posed together with their families both blood and chosen and took all kinds of pictures before heading back to the penthouse to enjoy a lovely dinner.

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