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Several hours later Kara was moved into a hospital room still unconscious but breathing on her own now. Eliza sat on the edge of the head of the bed sobbing as she looked over her adopted daughter while Alex, Sam and Lena sat in the chairs by the window. After few minutes Eliza looked at Lena who was avoiding all eye contact. The older woman slowly approached the raven haired woman and knelt down in front of her. "Lena...Lena listen to me...I'm not mad at you. In fact I should be thanking you for calling the ambulance and taking care of Kara all this time." Eliza whispered as she pulled Lena into a hug. "I'm sorry..." Lena sobbed into the older woman's shirt. "Hey...shhh now...Kara's gonna be ok..." Eliza whispered.

Lena dried her eyes and nodded slowly before looking at Alex and Sam who were offering her small smiles of sympathy. They all sat there for another two hours before Eliza suggested everyone go home for the night. "I can't..." Lena stated. "How come?" Alex asked. "Police are calling the dorm an active crime scene. I'm not allowed back for two days." Lena replied as someone knocked on the hospital door. A police officer came in and walked over to Lena. "Miss Luthor, I've been instructed to take you back to your dorm room and give you time to gather some belongings for you and Miss Danvers." The man stated. "Ok...I'll be right back..." She as she looked back at Alex, Eliza and Sam. "We'll be here when you get back Lena." Alex replied with a smile.

The ride back to the dorm rooms was a long and quiet one for Lena who sat in the passenger seat of the police cruiser. "You should know that the men responsible for this crime have been taken into custody. You should also know that Detective Marsh has spoken to the dean and has allowed you to stay with Miss Danvers from s long as it takes for her to recover. Dean Grant has made it so that you both will be able to finish out your last year at college over the internet. Since she recognizes how hard it may be for you both to return to normal classes." The police officer explained. "I'll have to send her my thanks when things settle down again. Will you be accompanying me into the dorms?" Lena asked looking at the officer as they pulled into the parking lot. "Yes. You are to gather everything you will need, someone from the school will be picking up the rest of your things and having them sent to Miss Danvers's sister's place." The officer explained as they headed towards the shared dorm room.

Lena opened the door and had to hold back tears at the sight before her. "Take your time Miss Luthor." The officer stated as she began to bag things up. A few long minutes later Lena had several bags packed with clothes, and books along with everything else they would need for the time being. "Is that everything?" The officer asked. "Uh yea... Would it be possible to have someone burn Kara's sheets...I don't think she'll want them anymore." Lena asked. "I'll make sure they are properly disposed of after we get all the evidence off them. Are you ready to return to the hospital?" The officer asked. Lena just nodded as she put the stuff in the backseat of the car before getting into the passenger seat.

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