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In the morning they woke up entangled in each other's limbs. "Good morning love." Lena whispered. "Good morning beautiful." Kara replied. "You hungry?" Lena asked. "Is that even a question Lee...you know I'm always hungry in the morning." Kara replied. Lena chuckled and pulled her out of bed. A little while later they sat at the table eating their omelets and drinking their juice and coffee.

After showers and getting dressed Lena called everyone to invite them out to lunch this afternoon. "They'll meet us at the restaurant. And Lex and Eve said they'd call later tonight." Lena explained. "Ok...are you nervous?" Kara asked. "Just a little." Lena replied. "Me too." Kara replied. "Well let's get the dishes done up and do something." Lena stated. Lena washed, and Kara dried the dishes and put them away before going to watch a movie to keep their mind of things.

After movie number two it was time to meet everyone at the restaurant. "Want to take the bike?" Kara asked. "Why not!" Lena replied. They got on their jackets and grabbed their helmets before heading to the elevator. They walked over to Kara's bike and got their helmets on before hopping on. Kara backed out of the spot and headed to the restaurant with Lena clinging to her like a spider monkey.

The drive to the restaurant was short and everyone was there when they arrived including Eliza. Kara parked the bike and they hopped off and walked inside. Everyone was already at a table near the back all smiling at them as they walked over. "Hey girls! Have a good weekend?" Alex asked. "Yes we did!" Lena replied. "Whats the news?" Sam asked. "Can we order our drinks first?" Kara asked. Everyone nodded as the waitress arrived and they all placed their drink orders.

"Now? Whats the news?" Eliza asked. Lena and Kara shared a look before holding up their left hands and showing off their engagement rings. "OH MY GOD!" Lilian and Eliza yelled. "YOUR ENGAGED!" Sam and Alex yelled. "Yes! It happened over the weekend. Spur of the moment thing for both of us." Kara replied. "Yea...it just kinda happened. We both had the same idea so we just went with it." Lena replied. "CONGRATULATIONS!" Everyone cheered.

"Thank you!" They both said. Soon the waitress brought their drinks and Lilian ordered some champagne for the table to celebrate along with everyone's food. "We're gonna be family!" Eliza said gently elbowing Lilian. "I knew this would happen." Lilian replied.

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