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Monday morning came and all of National City knew about the Luthor, Danvers engagement. "Well..we've made the news." Kara said as they sat in the kitchen eating breakfast. "I see that...how are you feeling about all this?" Lena asked. "I'm ok with it." Kara replied. "Are you really?" Lena asked as she put a hand on Kara's. "Yes love, I'm ok with everything Lee, really." Kara replied. "Ok, I just want to make sure." Lena replied. They decided to take a couple days off work to avoid the press and to allow themselves time to just enjoy some time together.

"So our wedding is next month..." Lena cooed as she picked up their dishes. "I know! I can't wait!" Kara replied with a smile. "Then it's off to a very private island where I can ravish my gorgeous wife." Lena said as she put the dishes in the dishwasher.  "Lee....I was thinking...." Kara said. "Thinking what?" Lena asked. Kara wrung her hands together avoiding eye contact. "I was thinking that a week before our wedding we sleep in separate bedrooms so that our first night together will be special." Kara replied softly.

Lena remained silent for a long time as she thought over this suggestion. "...uh...um...uhh...is that what you want?" Lena asked. "You don't want to?" Kara asked. "Not really...I got so used to sleeping next to you..I'm not sure how I'd be able to sleep without you in the same bed with me." Lena replied. "Ok...it was just a suggestion..." Kara replied leaning into Lena's arms. "Did you want to do it Kar?" Lena asked softly. "Not really. Alex suggested it to me at our engagement party...but I don't want to sleep without you either." Kara replied. "Good, now come here lay back and we'll watch a movie." Lena whispered as she held Kara in her arms and turned on a television movie.

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