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The pizza was half eaten when Kara's phone rang. "Ignore it..." Lena groaned. "It's Alex..." Kara grumbled as she picked it up. Lena snatched it out of her hands and answered it. "Alex? What can I do for you?" Lena asked. "Where's Kara?" Alex asked. "She's right here eating some pizza. What do you want?" Lena asked. "Just called to talk to my sister." Alex said. Lena sat the phone down and turned it on speaker. "Go ahead Alex!" Lena said. "Hey Kar! How come you're not working?" Alex asked. "Lena made it so we'd have the day off." Kara explained. "How?" Alex asked. "I have my ways Alex." Lena replied. "I've seen your ways...and I'm still trying to forget them." Alex groaned. Both Lena and Kara burst out in laughter. "So? What did you really call for Alex?" Kara asked. "To see if you guys got your outfits for next month." Alex said. "Yes. They're being made as we speak." Lena replied. "Tailor?" Alex asked. "Yes." Lena and Kara said together. "Ok..mom called and wanted to remind me that Sam and I need to get our outfits. So I figured I'd call and ask you two if you've done it." Alex replied. "Well we did...so we're gonna go back to our relaxing day now...I'll call you later Alex." Kara said as she ended the call.

Lena grabbed another slice of pizza and bit off a piece. "That was fun." Lena said. "Oh yea...Alex calling and interrupting our quiet day to ask if we remembered our outfits for our own engagement party....always a good time." Kara groaned. Lena reached over and wrapped her arms around Kara. "Come on love, let's go watch a movie or something. Get your mind off Alex..."Lena replied arching her eyebrows. Kara laughed as they put their dishes in the dishwasher and headed to the living room.

Lena clicked on a movie and curled up next to Kara on the sofa. "Now this is what I call relaxing." Lena whispered as she wrapped her arms around Kara's waist. "Yep...no sister...no sister in law bursting in on us...just you...and me...(kiss)...and no one else..." Kara added as she leaned into Lena and kissed her lips hungrily.

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