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"Off to see Kara?" Lionel asked. "Yes dad I am, unless you need me for something." Lena said. "Oh no darling, go see your fiancé." Lionel replied with a smile. Lena nodded as she walked onto the elevator. The ride to Cat Co was short even with the stop at Noonan's to get food. Lena stood in the elevator arms full with food she couldn't wait to see Kara. When the elevator opened up Lena strutted off it and headed to Kara's office. No longer was she getting looked at, everyone knew that she and Kara were not only together, but now engaged. Lena pushed Kara's door open to see her beautiful fiancés head bent as she looked at something with great intensity.

Coughing alerted Kara to someone being in her office. "Hey Lee!" Kara greeted as she stood up to take the food out of her hands. "Hello darling. Working hard I see?" Lena asked. "Yea, just going over some papers, nothing of great importance right now. How's your day going?" Kara asked. "Good, I didn't have much to do today, so I came a little earlier." Lena replied. "I'm glad you did. You got me to take a break. I've been going over this paperwork since I got here. I haven't even got any articles to write." Kara replied. Lena glanced at the paperwork on the blondes desk before looking back at Kara.

"After lunch, would it be ok if I looked at the paperwork?" Lena asked. "Of course darling." Kara replied with a smile. "So....mom called me earlier saying that she and Lilian have rented rooms for everyone who's coming to the wedding, including Cat." Kara said. "Oh good! I was wondering about that." Lena replied. "Well, they got everything sorted now, so all we need to do is go dress shopping and pick up our outfits for the engagement party." Kara added.

"Actually...they should be headed to our place now. The tailor called me said he got them finished them earlier than expected. Apparently his apprentice had everything pinned together so all he had to do was stitch everything together." Lena replied. "Oh wonderful!" Kara exclaimed. After lunch was finished Lena took the papers in her hands and read them over. "Kara....do you know what this is for?" Lena asked as she read the small print. "Well I only got those a little bit ago....so no." Kara replied.

"Kara...this is about your articles you wrote on L Corp. You've been awarded a Pulitzer, the award ceremony is happening Friday night." Lena replied. "WHAT?" Kara gasped. "Yes darling! You're getting awarded for all your hard work. Cat hasn't told you yet?" Lena asked. "No..she's been in meetings all day." Kara replied. Just then Cat entered the small office. "Kara! Congratulations! You've won a Pulitzer...oh I see you've already been told. Well the ceremony starts at seven o' clock on Friday evening." Cat stated. "We'll be there." Lena replied. "Good." Cat replied.

"A Pulitzer Prize! My fiancé is an award winning reporter! I couldn't be prouder! Come on! We're gonna go get us some outfits! Cat! Cat! Come here please!" Lena called. "Yes Miss Luthor?" Cat asked. "I'm taking Kara to get an outfit for Friday night. You wouldn't want her to look bad at her first awards ceremony would you?" Lena asked. "No of course not! She may go." Cat stated as the women packed up their things and headed out of the office.

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