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Everyone sat in silence as they waited for the break to get over so the trial would continue. The sound of Eve's phone ringing caused Kara to jump landing in Lena's lap. "Hey it's ok...I'm here..." Lena whispered as she held the blonde. "That was Lex. He said that the guys have been separated due to them bragging how they'd be getting off scotch free. He said that now it's just final statements, then the jury will decide. And your lawyer is already sure that they'll go away for the maximum sentence which is twenty years." Eve explained.

Slowly Kara went to move off Lena's lap however Lena just held her there. "Stay still darling. It's ok." Lena whispered. Kara leaned back against Lena and continued eating her food, even giving Lena a few. "I'm gonna go get refills!" Alex stated grabbing the empty cans and bottles. Kara only moved to take the soda and so Lena could grab more pizza, her head remained on the brunettes shoulder.

"It's starting again." Lillian stated as the television program returned to the court room. This time the lawyer for James and Mike began talking. "As you can see this is just a complete misunderstanding! Miss Danvers is just over reacting to a three way gone wrong!" The balding man stated. "Objection! It is clear from the  evidence that it is clearly a rape with the drugs in Miss Danvers system and the amount of bruising and blood and bodily trauma! Those young men raped my client!" The lawyer deadpanned.

The courtroom went silent. The jury seemed to be thinking over everything they saw and heard. "Jury? What say you?" The judge asked. One juror  on the end of the first row stood up paper in her hand. "We the jury...find the defendants James Olsen and Mike Mathew's guilty of rape in the first degree!" She stated. "Thank you, you may be seated." The judge stated before looking back at the lawyers. "Defendants remain standing. Mike Mathew's, James Olsen. You two have been charged with rape in the first degree by using alcohol and the well known date rape drug also known by GHB. You two are here by sentenced to the maximum of 20 years in prison! Do you have anything to say for yourselves?" The judge snapped.

James looked at Mike before speaking. "It's Kara's fault! If she had let us fuck her in high school this wouldn't have had to happen!" Mike stated. "LET YOU! LET YOU! A YOUNG WOMAN DOESN'T NEED TO LET YOU HAVE SEX  WITH THEM! GET THEM REMOVED FROM MY COURT ROOM IMMEDIATELY!"  The judge bellowed as four police officers escorted them from the court house. The television panned to them walking out, both men looked directly at the camera with smirks on their faces.

The looks caused Kara to begin to shake all over. "Shut it off! NOW!" Lena snapped at no one in particular. "Come on Kar...let's get you out of here." Lena said as she helped Kara off the sofa and towards their bedroom. No one dare speak a word after that. Lena got Kara to sit down on the bed before climbing behind her and holding her. "It's ok...it's ok...they're gonna go away for a long time. Shhhh now darling...I'm here..." Lena whispered as she held the blonde against her chest. "The....they...were looking right at me..." Kara stammered between tears. "Shhh darling...it's ok...they didn't know you would be watching...shhh now...I've got you..." Lena cooed.

After a long few minutes Kara settled down and fell asleep. Seeing this Lena went to move them back in bed however Kara woke up and clung to her. "Don't go...please..." Kara whimpered. "I'm not gonna go anywhere...I'm just gonna lay here with you ok..." Lena replied. "O...ok..." Kara whispered as she lay there.

Back in the living room everyone was cleaning up the food boxes and tidying up the room when Lex came in. "Wheres Kara and Lena?" He asked. "Bedroom. Kara began panicking when they looked at the camera. They've been in there since." Alex stated. "Oh..ok then. I just stopped by to let them know that they're going to  the worst prison Metropolis has. But I'll wait for another time. Eve, are you ready? Let's go leave everyone have their alone time." Lex stated. "Yes. Let them know I'll call them later this week." Eve stated as they headed out.

Back in the bedroom Kara was clinging to Lena for dear life even in her sleep. Lena finally managed to get them to lay down on the bed so they'd be more comfortable. That's how everyone else found them when they come to say their 'goodbyes'. "We're all heading out now...call us if you need anything." Alex stated. Lena nodded quickly before returning to Kara.

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