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The ride to the hospital was long for Lena who never left Kara's side. As soon as they got to the hospital the EMS workers rushed her into the ER with a frantic Lena behind them. "Family Only!" A nurse stated looking at Lena. "She's the young lady's fiancé!" The older woman explained. "Ok...but sit back there! We need to look her over!" The nurse demanded. Lena did as told and took a seat in the chair. Tears poured down her face as the doctors and nurses examined Kara closely, poking and prodding her talking in hushed whispers. "Miss..." A doctor said as he approached Lena. "Lena, my name's Lena. What's wrong with her?" She stammered. "We need your permission to do a rape kit." The doctor explained as he crouched down. "Yes! You have my permission to whatever you need to do. As long as she'll be ok!" Lena deadpanned as more tears flooded her eyes. "Don't worry Lena, your fiancé is gonna be just fine physically. I promise you that. Is there family you can call to alert them what happened? Don't worry you'll be allowed back in after you finish making any phone calls. I'll tell the receptionist to let you in without question." The doctor explained.

Lena nodded as she stood up and began walking towards the bed where Kara lay. "Is it ok if I tell her I'm going for a moment?" Lena asked softly. "Yes of course, just don't touch her please, it may contaminate any possible DNA evidence for the SVU." The doctor replied. Lena nodded as she walked over to the unconscious woman. "Kara...darling...I'm gonna call Alex and Eliza...I'll be right back I promise...I love you..." Lena whispered before leaving the ER.

Walking outside into the heat of the summer night the trembling raven haired woman sat on a bench and took her phone out of her pocket. Taking a deep breath she scrolled to find Alex's number in her phone. "You can do this!" She told herself as she clicked the contact number and listened to it ring. One...two...three... "Lena? What is it?" Alex asked in a sleepy voice. "Alex....it's...it's Kara! I went to the library and when I came back she was naked...and unconscious...she's covered in bruises...I'm at the hospital with her now...the doctors think she may have been raped! The police are coming soon to investigate after they finish up in the dorm room! Alex....I'm so scared something happened! She looks lo lifeless!" Lena cried over the phone. "Lena! We'll be there in ten minutes! I'll call mom ok...so stay there and we'll meet you out front!" Alex replied before hanging the phone up.

Lena sat on the bench with her knees up to her chest as she continued sobbing not realizing that an officer was approaching her. "Miss Lena Luthor?" A woman's voice called. "Yes...that's me..." Lena replied wiping her eyes with her sleeve. "I need to ask you some questions if that's ok." The officer asked as she took a seat beside her. "Yea..." Lena whispered. "My names Detective Alice Marsh. I'm with National City's SVU. Now upon the entail search of yours and Miss Danvers dorm room I noticed you had cameras set up. Is there a way we could gain access to them to see what exactly happened while you were in the library?" Detective Marsh asked. "Yea...it's on my phone...here I'll open the app and you can take into evidence if you need to." Lena replied as she pulled her phone out and opened the app revealing the video. "Thank you Miss Luthor. I'm gonna go look through this and send it to myself that way you can have your phone back to make calls to Miss Danvers family members." Detective Marsh replied. "I've already made phone calls. So you can just keep my phone. Kara's sister and mom are on their way here." Lena replied. "Ok thank you Miss Luthor. I'll be right back." Detective Marsh replied as she headed over to her police car and opened her laptop.

Lena just sat on the bench and continued sobbing into herself. "Lena! Lena!" Alex called as she ran over to the raven haired woman who was curled up on the bench. "Alex! Oh god! I'm such a horrible roommate! I shouldn't have left her alone! It's all my fault!" Lena sobbed. "Hey now! It's not your fault! None of that ok? No one is mad at you Lee! Not me, or mom, or Sam ok?" Alex replied softly as she rubbed the woman's back. "Lena..shes gonna be ok..she's strong." Sam whispered softly as she hugged the woman from behind.

"Family for Miss Danvers! The police need to speak with you immediately!" A young police officer stated looking at them.

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