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Over the next few days they continued planning their wedding out during lunch dates, and so far they had almost everything planned out. They were gonna get married in Midvale in a small field that was near the Danvers residence, they were only inviting close friends and family to the wedding and only after they said 'I do' would a press release be sent out. Today was another typical Friday morning for both women. They had breakfast together before riding to work together. "I'll see you at lunch darling." Lena said with a smile as she watched Kara walk into Cat Co. "See you then!" Kara replied with a smile.

Lena arrived at L Corp a few moments later and was greeted by her assistant before walking into her office. She immediately dove into work. She had a full schedule with the two hour exception for lunch with Kara. She always made time for Kara no matter how busy she was at L Corp. As she worked her mind drifted to Kara, she wondered what she was working on today for an article. Was it a fluff piece? Or was it something more hard hitting?

Meanwhile inside her tiny office Kara was busy researching for her next article about the recent uptick in crime in the city. It was another boring piece. Not that it was good that crime was spiking but she was bored of writing these pieces. She wanted to write something interesting...like something about L Corp...or Lena...Lena... Kara thought about her all day. She couldn't wait till noon so she could go sit in her fiancé's office and have lunch with her. As time ticked away she managed to find enough evidence to write the article on the crime sprees. After proofreading it several times she sent it off to Snapper. It was almost noon when she left her office and benga walking to L Corp.

'Ding!' The sound of the elevator was Kara's new favorite thing in the world. She stepped off the elevator and made her way to Lena's office. Standing outside said office was Lionel. "She's in a mood today Kara...I'd be very careful when you go in." Lionel stated. "Well good thing I got her a kale chicken salad and her favorite smoothie!" Kara replied smiling. "You know her so well sweetheart. Good luck!" Lionel replied as he left the area.

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