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The penthouse smelled absolutely wonderful when they all returned to it later that afternoon. There was a banner hanging that said 'CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES!' On it along with a coffee table full of gifts. "Guys! This...this is amazing! Thank you!" Lena exclaimed as they walked into their place. "You are very welcome! You two deserve this and more!" Lillian stated as she pulled them both into hugs. "Food smells good!" Kara replied with a smile. "Come sit! Relax, open your gifts!" Alex stated as she ushered them over to the sofa. "Ok! Ok!" Kara groaned as she sat next to Lena.

Alex and Sam passed them the gifts they got them and smiled. Kara and Lena shared a look before they opened the boxes. inside Kara's box was a leather jacket. She pulled it out and a key fell out of the pocket. "Alex! Is this...what I think it is?" Kara asked looking at her sister. "Yep! It's in the parking garage now." Alex replied with a smile. "Oh my god! You didn't! Oh my god! Alex!" Kara squealed happily as she hugged her sister. "What is it?" Lena asked. "It's a motorcycle! The same one Alex has and our dad had. How'd you get it?" Kara asked. "Bought it four yeas ago. Sent it off to have it rebuilt with all original parts. Just got it back a week ago." Alex said with a grin.

Lena's eyes grew wide at her girlfriend. "A motorcycle! Oh my god! That's hot!" Lena replied. "Open yours Lee." Kara replied. Lena opened her box to find a matching jacket and a set of gloves. "Ohhh! Kar! We can match when we go riding!" Lena exclaimed happily setting their boxes down. Next was Sam's gift for them. They opened the envelope up to see a card with a dinner reservation for two at a high end restaurant. "Holy cow! Sam! Do you know how hard it is to get into this place?" Lena asked. "Yes..which is why I made this reservation three months ago." Sam replied with a smile.

Next was Lillians gift, the Luthor matriarch set them both up with a month's vacation in the mountains. "You two may use it whenever you wish to, it's a family residence after all." Lilian replied. "Thank you Lillian!" Kara replied. "You're welcome!" Lilian replied. Lex and Eve's gift was next. They gave the couple a several things including a very expensive bottle of aged wine for them to enjoy later on. Maggie was the next to give her gift, she gave them some picture frames they could use to put in photos from today in. Lastly it was Eliza's turn to give gifts. She gave them tickets to a spa retreat outside of town. "Thank you everything for the wonderful gifts!" Lena and Kara said together with smiles on their faces.

A little while later Kara had taken Eliza into the bedroom to talk to her privately about something. "Did you bring it mom?" Kara asked. "Yes darling. I have your great grandmothers ring here. When do you plan on doing it?" Eliza asked. "I'm thinking when we go to the restaurant, but first I'm gonna talk to Lilian and Lex. Do you think they'll say yes?" Kara asked. "Of course they will darling! They love you!" Eliza replied. "Kara! Eliza! Dinners ready!" Lena called.

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