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Returning to work after the news of their engagement party began to settle was nerve wracking for both of them. Lena was always getting congratulated every where she went in L Corp, and Kara was getting questioned about the engagement, and questioned if they'd do an interview. Both women declined any questions however and continued with their work day like usual.

At lunch Lena made a surprise visit to Cat Co with a large pizza in her hands. "I figured you'd be locked away in here avoiding everyone." Lena said as she walked into Kara's office. "They want interviews...and answers to questions..." Kara groaned. "I know they've been hounding my office too. Come here love." Lena said as she pulled Kara into her arms and held her tight against her. "I got used to be invisible...but I'm definitely not complaining about it." Kara whispered. "I know honey... I know...but soon all of this will blow over. I promise." Lena whispered back.

They separated and sat on the sofa and began eating their food. "I can have my PR team put out a statement from both of us if you'd like Kara." Lena suggested. "What would it say?" Kara asked. "We can write something right now if you'd like." Lena suggested. Kara grabbed a pad of paper and a pen and set it off to the side. "When we get ready to have kids...we need to do our best to keep them out of the limelight. And whoever gets pregnant first." Kara said. "I agree Kar." Lena said.

After washing their hands of grease they returned to the couch and began writing up a statement about their engagement and upcoming wedding. Once they had everything they wanted to say on paper they went over it a couple of times before  Lena took it and left to go back to her work. "I'll be back tonight to pick you up. Don't let anyone get you down love, and if anyone does give you shit...tell me and I'll deal with them." Lena said. "I love you too Lee. I'll be here when you come back." Kara replied with a smile.

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