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Over the next few days the woman were working on their finals. They'd been up late studying and up earlier than usual taking tests. Both women were exhausted from all the studying and all the junk food they were eating. "One more exam..and we're done!" Kara exclaimed happily. "I know! Then it's graduation. They called to ask us if we'd be there in person or not. Do you want to go?" Lena asked. "I...I think it would be nice to go back. See everyone again." Kara replied. "Are you sure?" Lena asked. "Yes. It will only be a few hours and we'll be home celebrating our college graduation!" Kara explained. "Ok darling. I'll let them know we'll be there." Lena replied with a smile.

After Kara finished her next journalism final the couple decided they'd go to the college and pick up their caps and gowns before going out to celebrate their upcoming graduation. Lena drove them to the campus and they walked in holding hands. Eyes glanced at them before they returned to doing their own things. However one girl from Kara's journalism class came running up to her. "Kara! Your back! Oh I've missed you!" She exclaimed happily. "Hi Nia....how are you?" Kara asked. "Im great! Just finished up my next to last final. What brings you here?" Nia asked.

"Lee and I came to get our caps and gowns." Kara replied. "Oh..ok! Well I will be going then...nice to see you Kara!" Nia stated as she hurried off again. "She seems nice." Lena replied. "Nia's something else...she's very over excited about everything. But she's sweet. And she means well." Kara replied as they continued walking. A few minutes later they entered the Dean's office where they were met with a smiling Cat Grant. "Lena Luthor! Kara Danvers! My two favorite seniors! How are you two getting along?" She asked. "We're getting on very well. We're excited to start our future together." Lena said. "That's wonderful news! I'm so proud of you both!" Cat cooed as she gently hugged them both. "We came to get our caps and gowns and whatever else we'll need fore graduation." Lena stated.

Cat's assistant scurried around gathering up everything the young woman would need. Lena took everything and nodded as the assistant explained who's sash's and whose ribbons were who's. "Ok! Thank you! We'll see you at graduation." Kara stated as they left the campus.

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