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"Hello beautiful! Rough day?" Kara asked as she walked into Lena's office. "Yes...but seeing you makes it a thousand times better." Lena replied. "I saw your dad...he said you were in a mood? What's going on darling?" Kara asked. "Oh just some old men thinking I'm not doing a good enough job here. So I snapped at them and told them that one day I'll be their boss and will hold their lives in their hands." Lena replied. "Gosh...bossy you is sexy." Kara cooed as she wrapped an arm around Lena. "That was cheesy but I loved it." Lena replied as she kissed Kara's lips.

"Come eat, I brought your favorite smoothie." Kara replied as they sat down on the sofa. "How is your day going my love?" Lena asked. "It's going quite well actually. I'm actually gonna be writing an article about the increase in crime in the city." Kara replied. "Oh that sounds interesting." Lena replied. "It's actually pretty boring...I've just been talking to cops all morning and doing basic research online." Kara replied.

"You won't have to go on any ride alongs or anything with the police will you?" Lena's voice was full of concern. "No darling. I'll just be doing some more interviews with NCPD and recording everything they're allowed to say about the rise in crime." Kara replied. "Good. I'd hate to have something happen to you when we're planning our wedding." Lena replied as she put her hand on Kara's leg. "I know love, that's why I'm just doing one on one interviews with the police department, nothing more than that." Kara added. "Good. Now how did you know I was craving a smoothie?" Lena asked teasingly. "I just had a feeling." Kara replied with a smile. "Gosh! I love you so much. You're my everything Kara...without you I'd be completely lost." Lena whispered. "I love you too Lee." Kara replied as they continued with their meal.

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