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Eliza was over joyed to see every one exiting the black suv. "Welcome! Welcome! Come in everyone, I'm so happy to have you all here!" Eliza cooed as she held the door open for them. "Hey mom!" Kara greeted as they walked inside. "Kara why don't you take yours and Lena's things upstairs." Eliza said. Kara nodded and showed Lena to her childhood bedroom. "Here we are Lee. I guess your mom will be in Alex's old room this weekend." Kara explained. "So this is your childhood room? It's very you. I love it." Lena replied as she looked around the room. "Thanks Lee, let's get settled shall we? Then go see what our moms are up to." Kara suggested. "Works for me." Lena replied with a smile.

A few minutes later they returned downstairs to see their moms sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee together. "Hey girls! Get all situated?" Eliza asked. "Yes, you have a lovely home Eliza!" Lena replied. "Thank you sweetheart. How do you like Kara's childhood room?" Eliza asked. "It's very Kara." Lena replied with a smile. "Your mother was just telling me that she's making your favorite food tonight Kara." Lilian said. "Really? You're making lobster macaroni and cheese?" Kara asked her eyes widening. "You never told me your favorite food was lobster macaroni and cheese. I could have made it for you Kara." Lena exclaimed. "It never came up...but now you know..." Kara replied sheepishly.

"I'll make you a copy of the recipe before you go home Lena." Eliza replied. "Thank you Eliza." Lena replied with a smile as she nudged Kara in the arm. "So what can we do to help?" Lilian asked. "You all can relax, I've got this under control here." Eliza said. "She doesn't like help in the kitchen...at all." Kara replied. "My daughter's right. I don't usually ask for help in the kitchen." Eliza replied. "Come on Lee, let's go watch a movie." Kara replied as she took Lena by the hand and lead her to the living room.

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