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Something special indeed. They decided to go for a walk in the park eating ice cream before going and doing some window shopping downtown before going back to their penthouse and cuddling on the sofa together watching a movie. The sun was beginning to set outside their little comfortable bubble. "What would you like for dinner darling?" Lena asked. Their movie ended and both women were getting hungry. "Hmmm how about we make some chicken Alfredo together...maybe some breadsticks?" Kara suggested. "That sounds lovely, come on let's get started." Lena cooed as they got you and headed into the kitchen together.

A couple hours later their dinner was finishing up and Kara was setting the table while Lena drained the pasta and mixed in the sauce. Kara got a bottle of wine out and poured two glasses and placed them on the table while she waited for Lena to finish plating up the food. "This looks lovely sweetheart." Kara stated. "I'm glad. Those breadsticks you made look really delicious. What's that you put on them?" Lena asked. "Some shredded parmesan cheese." Kara replied. "They smell good!" Lena replied as she sat the plates on the table.

Kara scooped up some ceases salad she made while the breadsticks were cooking and put it on her and Lena's plates while Lena put some breadsticks on their plates. "We need to cook together more love." Kara stated. "I agree. Who knew you were such a wizard in the kitchen." Lena teased. Kara smiled as she took a bite of her food. "Oh my goodness! This is heavenly!" Lena groaned as she bit into the food.

As dinner went on they talked about different things from wedding plans, to possible honeymoon destinations. "I kind of like the idea of going international." Kara replied. "Really? Where?" Lena asked. Kara shrugged her shoulders as she swallowed her food. "Maybe Ireland, or Italy...I'm not sure." Kara replied. "Hmm maybe we could go to Spain...drink our way through different cities." Lena suggested. "Lee...are you trying to keep me drunk the entire time of our honeymoon?" Kara teased. Lena gasped and put her hand on her heart in fake shock. "No...I'd never do something like that!" Lena replied.

After dinner they did the dishes together before getting into their pajamas and returning to the sofa for another movie before bed.

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