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There's two days till their wedding and today everyone is having a rehearsal dinner inside the B&B where Lena and Kara will be married. Right now the couple are standing up at one end of the table preparing to make a speech.

"Kara and I would personally like to thank everyone for coming here tonight to celebrate our upcoming nuptials. I had no idea when I met the blonde woman in our shared freshman dorm that we'd end up here engaged to be married in two day's time. When Kara first looked at me my heart did summersaults inside my chest. Now looking back on everything I should have said something a lot sooner especially after finding out she was into women too...however it would take three years and some really bad shit to happen to make me confess my love. The best part of going from friends to fiancé's is that it gave us a chance to really see each other's quirks, and habits. Most couples only have a few months to do this...however we've had four years to annoy each other and now in two days we'll be licensed to annoy one another for the rest of our lives." Lena said ending her short but beautiful speech. Kara kissed Lena on the lips quickly before returning to their seats allowing the dinner to continue.

After a wonderful dinner everyone returns to where they're staying for the wedding with Sam, Alex, Lena, Kara and Eliza to return to the house. "We'll see you tomorrow for brunch." Lilian said as she hugged everyone. "Yes! We look forward to it!" Eliza replies as they head out of the B&B. "I'm waiting on my speech till the reception." Sam said. "That's fine...as long as it's not embarrassing." Lena said. "Her's isn't...mine is!" Alex replied laughing as they got into the car.

"Alex! I swear if it's too embarrassing I'll have Maggie kill you!" Kara grumbled. "She won't kill me!" Alex replied laughing. "It's ok love...we can get her back by making her babysit our kids." Lena cooed.

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