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Kara's first article was published in the newspaper and on the website. Lena had cut it out of the newspaper and had it framed  and hung in her office right beside her college diploma. She had just sat back down to do some work when her phone rang. "Hello dad! What's up?" Lena asked. "I just wanted to call you to tell you to get Kara's number. I'd like to call her and congratulate her on her first published article." Lionel explained. Lena gave her father Kara's number and got back to her paperwork.

A few ours later Kara came into her office with a couple of salads and two drinks in her hands. "Hey Lee!" Kara exclaimed as she sat their food down. "Hey darling!" Lena replied as she walked over to her. "Sooo your dad called. He congratulated me on my first published article. He said that in the future he'd want me to do the interviews on L Corp." Kara replied. "Really? That's amazing news darling! I'm so proud of you!" Lena cooed as she pulled her into a hug. "Thank you Lee. Enough about me, how's your day going?" Kara asked.

"It's actually been a pretty slow day so far. I've had your article framed. I hung it up over there beside my diploma." Lena stated pointing to the far wall. "Lee! Now everyone will see it." Kara groaned. "That's the point darling! I want everyone to see it. You should be proud of your work." Lena stated. "Ok..." Kara replied with a smile. "How's your salad?" Lena asked. "It's good. It's got chicken in it. How's yours?" Kara asked. "It's really good thank you love. How's work going? Any new articles to work on?" Lena asked.

"Just doing some research on one actually. I'm gonna be writing about the new children's hospital that's being worked on. I go to interview the developers tomorrow evening. It's gonna be taken place at a restaurant. And they told me that I can bring you too, if you'd like to come." Kara replied. "I'd love to go with you darling." Lena replied. "Good! I'm really nervous about it. It's gonna be happening at some fancy restaurant in town. We need to be there at seven though, hope that's ok?" Kara added. "That's perfectly fine darling." Lena replied as her office door opened up revealing her father. "Ah Kara! I thought go I saw you coming in here. And you've brought Lena lunch. How thoughtful of you! Are you working on a new article?" Lionel asked. "Yes sir. I was just telling Lena that tomorrow night we'll be going to have dinner with the developers of the new children's hospital here in town." Kara explained.

"Ah! Very interesting! Well I know I called you, but when I saw you come up here I decided to come congratulate you in person." Lionel stated. The man hugged Kara tight before releasing her. "Thank you again Lionel." Kara replied. "I must be off ladies. Lots of work to do. Lena! Why don't you take the rest of the afternoon off and do something special with your fiancé here." Lionel stated as he left.

"Well you heard him! Let's go do something special!" Lena stated as she took Kara by the hand.

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