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The weekend came and Kara and Lena had packed everything into Lena's suv and were heading to the spa where they'd spend the next couple of days getting pampered. "Are you excited for this trip?" Lena asked as she held Kara's hand in her own. "Yes! I've been counting down the days all week!" Kara replied. "Good! Our dinner reservation is for tomorrow night so that'll give us some time to relax and enjoy the spa." Lena replied.

Kara smiled to herself knowing how she wanted to relax...she just wasn't sure if Lena would want to do it too. "Kar? What are you thinking?" Lena asked. "Just thinking about something I want to do to relax." Kara replied. "What would you like to do to relax?" Lena asked. Kara bit her lip and looked at Lena. "What are you thinking love?" Lena asked. "I...uh..was thinking...maybe..we could um...you know..this weekend." Kara babbled. "Are you sure about this?" Lena asked hesitantly. "Yes! I've been thinking about this for a while now. But if you don't want to do it...it's ok too." Kara replied.

"Oh...I definitely want to as well! I was just waiting for you to bring it up. I didn't want to sound pushy or something." Lena replied. "Well...I'm ready now..well when we get to the hotel of course but you know what I mean." Kara replied with a smile. "I understand darling." Lena replied.

The rest of the drive was filled with talking about random things, finally they arrived at a beautiful hotel and spa. The bellhops came and got their bags and brought them to their room quickly. "Welcome to your room Miss Luthor and Miss Danvers. Enjoy your stay!" The bellhop said with a smile. "Wow!" Kara exclaimed as she took a good look around the room. "Wow indeed love." Lena replied as she walked up behind her wrapping her arms around the blondes waist.

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