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Later that night they were making pizza together and dancing in the kitchen. "Oh thats Alex...wonder what's up with her?" Kara asked as she answered her phone. "Hey Alex! Your on speaker phone!" Kara said as she sat her phone on the counter. "We have good news!" Alex yelled. "What is it?" Lena asked. "WE'RE PREGNANT!" Sam yelled into the phone! "We're gonna be aunts!" Kara yelled. "Yes! You're gonna be aunties!" Alex replied. "How far along?" Lena asked. "Two weeks! All those appointments finally paid off!" Sam added. "We're so happy for you! Congratulations!" Lena and Kara yelled into the phone together as the call ended.

Lena looked at Kara and smiled. "We're gonna be aunties!" Kara exclaimed happily. "Yes we are!" Lena replied with a smile. "Let's continue making our pizzas." Kara added as they went back to the counter and added the toppings to their pizza. "Here's the kale." Lena said hading Kara a bag. Kara rolled her eyes as she put the greens on the pizza. "Oh stop darling it'll be good besides its only half the pizza, the other half has pepperoni on it." Lena said laughing.

Once the pizza was in the oven Kara and Lena went out to the balcony and looked out over the city. "It's really beautiful here." Kara whispered. "Yea it is, but it doesn't even compare to how beautiful you are." Lena replied looking at Kara. "Lee...you're too sweet for me." Kara replied with a smile. "Just been honest darling." Lena added as she pulled Kara into a kiss.

Once the pizza was done they sat down to eat. "How long after we get married would want to start trying to get pregnant?" Lena asked. Kara coughed and looked at Lena. "What?" Kara asked. Lena repeated the question laughing. "I don't know...maybe a couple months. We'd have to see a specialist to get one of us pregnant though, so we'll have to do some research on them, and decide who's gonna carry the baby." Kara replied. "Well yes we will, but I'll find someone who will keep our stuff private." Lena added. "So...who would carry the baby?" Kara asked. "Either one of us. One could go first then the other." Lena replied.

As Kara ate a slice of kale pizza she began thinking about her carrying their baby. She could see herself with a little round tummy eating for two or three...if she got pregnant with twins. 'Would Lena want me to quit my job and be a stay at home wife and mom? What if we did that and she got bored with me and cheated on me with someone younger, prettier and with no stretch marks?' Suddenly Kara paled at the thought of Lena cheating on her with someone more beautiful than her.

The sudden change in her fiancé didn't go unnoticed by Lena. "Kara? What are you thinking about? I can tell something's bothering you." Lena said. When Kara didn't respond Lena got nervous and put a hand on her arm. "Kara...talk to me...please darling say something...you making me nervous..." Lena cooed as she rubbed the blondes arm. Kara looked at Lena with wide eyes. "If I get pregnant...would you want me to quit my job and be a stay at home mom and wife...? Would you get sick of me? Go after someone younger? Prettier? Someone with no stretch marks?" Kara shot questions at the dark haired woman.

Lena was shocked at what she was hearing from her fiancé's mouth. "Kara darling you wouldn't have to quit your job or stay home if you're pregnant first, you could still work. And pleads don't think for one second that I'd ever cheat on you with anyone. No matter how many stretch marks you have or how grumpy you get while you're pregnant. I love you Kara Danvers, and nothing or no one will ever change that." Lena replied. "But one day you may love another girl one day." Kara replied. "Yes I will and she'll look just like you or me and she'll call us momma and mommy." Lena replied. Kara looked at Lena with tears in her eyes. "Really?" Kara asked. "Yes darling our daughter or daughters will be the only other girl or girls that will have my heart other than you. Do you feel better now darling?" Lena asked. "Yes...thank you Lee." Kara whispered. "You're welcome my love now how's the kale pizza?" Lena asked.

Kara groaned. "It's...not...completely...that...uh...terrible..." Kara groaned. "See! I knew you'd like it!" Lena replied triumphantly. "Just for that, you're getting pregnant first." Kara grumbled.

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