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Today the woman spent most of their mornings away from work to stand on stools in a tailor's shop to get measured for their engagement party outfits. They saw many different fabrics and finally picked out some for the gown and suit. Kara went with multiple different blues while Lena went with deep reds for her suit. "I'll have them done in two weeks." The old man said. "Thank you. We'll have someone pick them up for us." Lena stated. The man nodded as the women left the shop.

"Well that's taken care of...I need to get back to work Lee.." Kara said as they got into the car. "Oh no you don't." Lena replied. "What?" Kara asked. "I called and told Cat that you wouldn't be in today. It only took me to let her have the inside scoop on our wedding including a one on one interview with us." Lena replied. "One interview with my boss to get to spend the day with you? I think I can handle that." Kara replied with a smile. "Good. Now what would you like to do today?" Lena asked. "How about we just go home and relax." Kara replied. "And by relax you mean?" Lena asked smirking at her. "Relax. Last time we... 'relaxed' my sister and her wife walked in on us." Kara groaned.

Lena laughed out loud at that statement. "Relaxing it is, shall I order in? Or do you wanna cook?" Lena asked. "We can cook, what are you thinking?" Kara asked. "Pizza?" Lena suggested. "Works for me." Kara replied. "Half kale, half pepperoni?" Lena asked. Kara wanted to roll her eyes so bad but she didn't. "Fine..." Kara grumbled. "I love you." Lena cooed. "I love you too." Kara replied with a smile as they stepped off the elevator and into their place.

A few minutes later they were in the kitchen making a kale pepperoni pizza. It was supposed to be half and half but one puppy dog eye stare from Lena and Kara buckled and let her fiancé have her way.

Learning...to Trust...to Love...to Feel...AgainWhere stories live. Discover now