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Kara and Lena are now in the middle of the dance floor for their first dance as a married couple. 'Perfect' plays softly in the background as they slowly move in sync to the music. "This is nice." Lena whispered. "Yes it is." Kara replied. "Today has been absolutely perfect." Lena said. Kara smiled at her as they swayed. Their eyes never leaving each other as they danced. Cameras flashing saving the moment for all eternity. "You know...after this our siblings are gonna embarrass the fuck out of us." Kara grumbled. "Yes they will, but you know what it's ok." Lena replied. "Why's that?" Kara asked. "Cause after dinner we'll be on our way to a private island where we won't have cell service and we can do whatever we want for three weeks." Lena said. "Touché...but still theres a lot of time before we leave and I'm dreading their speech's." Kara said as the song came to an end.

They slowly made their way back to their table and took their seats. "Now it's time for speeches!" Lex said as he stood up tapping on his champagne flute. "Ugh...here we go." Kara groaned.  Lex moved to the middle of the room where a microphone stood and began his speech.

"What can I say about my baby sister that everyone here already doesn't know...ah yes! I can tell you about all the late night texts she sent myself her first year in college. 'Oh Lex! Kara is so beautiful! I don't think she likes girls though! Help me figure out a way to ask her out!' Or my personal favorite... 'Kara likes girls! But! She's dating someone who's very wrong for her! She should be with me! I'd treat her good!' I almost felt sorry for her that first year...however as time went on Lena didn't ask Kara out on a date...no matter what I suggested she'd chicken out! It took her three and a half years to make a move on her best friend...and truth be told I was never so happy to see the two of them together at last. And I'm so happy to see that Lena has finally got her happily ever after...to Lena and Kara!"

"That wasn't half bad as I thought it would be..." Lena whispered. "Just wait..Alex is up next..." Kara replied. "I believe it's my turn! Get ready for this baby sis!" Alex said with a smile as she took to the microphone.

"As Kara's older and more amazing sister I watched her grow into the incredible human she is today. When she told me that she had a secret crush on Lena...I got excited! I told her to go for it...however like Lena...Kara didn't make a move. So being bold and confident I told Kara and I quote 'Just crawl in to bed with her and kiss her! Lena's smart she'll get the hint!' But nooo! It didn't happen....and then one day it did...and I was so happy to see my little sister finally finding the love she deserves...TO KARA AND LENA!"

"Ok..so that wasn't horrible..." Kara said. "It was beautiful!" Lena gushed.

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