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Saturdays were the couples favorite day of the week. They didn't have to do anything or go anywhere. They could just sit in their home and relax. They spent the morning being lazy just lounging around the place eating a late breakfast together and remaining in comfortable clothes even after showers. "Whats on your mind?" Lena asked mid afternoon. "Nothing...I'm just glad to have a weekend to ourselves." Kara replied with a smile. "Me too..." Lena replied as she leaned into Kara's arms.

As the day wore on they remained snuggled up together in front of the television. Kara lay on the sofa with Lena in her arms kissing her lips gently. Lena hummed as she returned the kisses. However their quiet afternoon was interrupted by Lena's phone going off. "It's my mother..." Lena groaned as she answered it. "Hello mom. How can I help you?" Lena asked. "What are you doing today?" Lilian asked. "Spending time with Kara why?" Lena asked. "Just merely curious. How is my future daughter in law doing?" Lilian asked. "I'm ok Lilian, how are you?" Kara asked. "Oh hello Kara dear! I'm ok as well. How's work going?" Lilian asked. "Good....good." Kara replied. "Good. Well I won't keep you two from spending some time together, I'll let you two go. Have a good day ladies."  Lilian said as the call ended.

"Now...where were we?" Lena asked as she sat her phone down. "Still right here cuddling." Kara replied with a smile. Lena leaned capturing Kara's lips catching the blonde off guard. The soft kissing quickly turned heated causing them to begin to remove each other's clothes. Hands caressed each other's bodies causing moans to escape their mouths. Lips peppered skin as they both came undone on the sofa.

They were just preparing for round four...or six...when in walked Sam and Alex! "GAHHHH! MY FUCKING EYES!" Alex yelled as she quickly covered them. "AHHHH! FUCK! PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" Sam bellowed. "You should have knocked! It's our weekend off!" Lena yelled. "THAT'S MY SISTER! UGHHHH!" Alex yelled wincing at what she'd just seen. "Shut up Alex!" Kara groaned as they go their clothes back on. "You can open them guys!" Lena said. Sam was the first to open her eyes and sighed with relief. "It's ok love they're dressed again." Sam said pulling Alex's hands away.

"Should have knocked or called.." Kara said as they sat on the sofas.

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