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A few hours later there was a knock on Kara's door. "Come in!" Kara called as Lena popped her head through. "Hey beautiful!" Lena exclaimed. "Hey yourself darling." Kara replied. "This is a cute office!" Lena added as she looked around the room. "Thanks. I know it needs some more pictures of us and some decorations but it's ok." Kara replied. "Did you finish your article?" Lena asked. "Yes! And Snappy approved it too!" Kara replied with a smile. "Good! I'm done for the day too. Shall we go home my love?" Lena asked. "Yes love! Take me home!" Kara replied with a smile.

Together they walked out of Kara's office holding hands as they went. Everyone's eyes were on them as they walked towards the elevator together. The suv was waiting for them when they emerged from Cat Co that evening. "Home please!" Lena stated as they settled in the back seat of the suv. The two woman linked hands as the rode home together that night. Once the suv came to a halt they got out and walked towards the elevator. "I hope you're hungry..." Lena stated. "I am but why?" Kara asked. "Cause I'm making us dinner tonight." Lena stated. "Oh Lee! You don't have to! I can make something for us! You've had a rough day lemme cook for us." Kara chimed in.

"No darling! You can cook tomorrow night, I'll cook tonight." Lena stated. "Ok love. I'm gonna go shower the day away..." Kara replied. "What would you like?" Lena asked. "Hmm? Maybe something with pork..." Kara hummed as she kissed the dark haired woman's lips before heading to the bathroom. Lena set to making some pork fried rice while Kara showered. she turned on the radio and began swaying her hips to the music as she cooked the pork.

Kara stepped into the kitchen wearing a tank top and shorts along with a grey sports bra and boy shorts. Her eyes lit up as she looked at her fiancé dancing in the kitchen. Quietly she walked over to her and wrapped her arms around her waist. "Hey love." Kara whispered. "Hey love. How was your shower?" Lena asked. "Good, this smells good too." Kara replied kissing her cheek. "Go set the table...it'll be done in a moment." Lena replied. "Yes dear." Kara said smirking as she grabbed some plates.

A few  minutes later they were sitting together at the table enjoying their food with some wine. "When will your article be published?" Lena asked. "Tomorrow... according to Snappy pants...so we'll see." Kara replied. Lena smiled at her fiancé. She was so proud of how far they'd come in such a short time. "How is it?" Lena asked. "It's absolutely amazing Lee!" Kara replied with a smile that went to her eyes. "I'm glad you like it." Lena replied.

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