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Friday night came and Lena and Kara were dressed to the nines for the award ceremony. Kara had on a maroon three piece suit with her hair done up in tight bun and her makeup to match. Lena had on a matching tight dress on, with her hair wrapped around her neck and her makeup just right. They looked like the ultimate power couple. "Our limo's here." Kara said. "Ok! Let's go gorgeous!" Lena replied as they walked out of the penthouse together.

They pulled up to the hotel where the party was at. The limo driver opened the door and out stepped Kara who quickly extended her hand to Lena. "Miss Luthor! Miss Danvers! Do you have anything to say to the cameras?" Reporters barked at them, however they didn't answer,they just kept walking towards the doors. As they walked inside cameras flashed in their faces. "Here's my favorite reporter!" Lionel exclaimed as he pulled kara into a hug. "Hello Lionel! Glad you and Lilian could come!" Kara replied. "We wouldn't miss this for the world! Lex and Eve are around here somewhere." Lilian replied.

"Kara! Lena! Don't you two look absolutely radiant!" Eliza chimed in as she hugged the woman as well. "Alex and Sam are over there with Maggie they're checking out the food." Eliza replied. "Well...let's go mingle then Lee...before it's time to make my speech." Kara said as they separated themselves from their families to begin walking around the room.

Everywhere they went in the large ball room they were stopped and Kara was congratulated on her award. "Thank you! It's an honor to be chosen to receive one of these awards." Kara would tell everyone who congratulated her. Eventually they too found their way to the buffet and to a table to eat before Cat got up to the podium to announce Kara for the Pulitzer.

"This bacon wrapped asparagus is to die for!" Lex stated as he joined them at the table. "I'll let Cat know you enjoy them so much." Kara replied. "Kar...it's time for the speeches. Get ready love." Lena whispered as Cat got up on stage. Everyone turned to the stage as the media mogul began her speech.

"It is with great pleasure that tonight I get to give this award to someone who truly deserves it. She's worked very hard since her first day on the job. She's accomplished so much and at a such young age. She reminds me of myself at her age with her determination and hunger to seek the truth in every story she writes. So please help me in welcoming Kara Danvers to the stage  please!"

Everyone clapped as Cat stepped aside letting Kara take to the podium. "She looks nervous." Alex whispered to Lena who nodded. "She'll do just fine. She's practiced this speech everyday." Lena replied her eyes never leaving Kara's.

"Good evening everyone! Thank you for coming! Firstly this was a huge surprise to me. The envelope was in a stack of things on my desk that I hadn't even looked at yet. It wasn't until my fiancé came for lunch and offered to help me go through everything that I found out. I'd like to thank my mom who told me I could be anything I wanted to be. My sister Alex who pushed me to follow my dreams even when I wanted to give up so many times. Sam and Maggie for always being the extra sisters I never knew I needed."

Kara took a pause to wipe away a tear as she prepared to continue.

"When I was rehearsing this speech I skipped over this next part so it would remain a surprise for the person I'm about to thank next. Lena...no amount of words would ever be enough to thank you. If it wasn't for you...I don't know where I'd be. You truly are my own super hero. Throughout everything that happened in the past year...you've been the one constant in my life. You stayed when anyone else would have ran away...and then to top it all off...you asked me to be apart of your life forever...I'm not sure of what else I can say...except I love you Lena...and I always will...Thank you!"

Lena couldn't take it anymore she stood up from her seat and ran up on stage pulling her fiancé in for a tear filled hug. Carrera's flashed around them as they made their way back to their table. "That was a lovely speech Kara." Lillian said. "Truly wonderful!" Lionel added. "A real tear jerker." Eve chocked out. "You did amazing sweetheart!" Eliza replied. Kara nodded at everyone as she remained by Lena's side.

After the party was over and the awards handed out Lena and Kara bid everyone a good night and thanked them again for coming before they headed home.

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