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The three woman followed the police officer into the hospital. "Right this way!" He stated holding a door open for them. "Relation to the victim?" He asked. "Sister." Alex stated. "Sister in law." Sam added. "Fiancé." Lena replied causing both woman to gape at her. "Ok! Wait here pleas Detective Marsh will be in here in a moment." The officer stated as he left the room. "FIANCÉ!" Alex groaned loudly. "What? They wouldn't let me in without being family...I didn't want her to wake up alone!" Lena replied. "I'm not mad Lee! I just thought you finally confessed your feelings for my sister!" Alex scoffed with a smirk. "No...I planned on doing it tomorrow when we went on our picnic..." Lena said as she frantically wiped a tear from her face. "Hey..hey...it's ok...she's gonna be ok.." Alex cooed as the door opened no in walked Detective Marsh walked in laptop, and Lena's phone in hand.

She sat down opposite them at the table and sighed. "Miss Luthor I've reviewed the tapes. You must be Alex, and...her wife?" Detective Marsh questioned looking at the other women in the room. "Yes I'm Alex Danvers and this is my wife Samantha Danvers. You said something about a tape?" Alex asked. "Yes! Miss Luthor had set up security cameras in her and miss Danvers dorm room. A rather ingenious idea and one we are very thankful for. I have reviewed them and they well I won't sugar coat it...they're graphic...very very graphic." Detective Marsh explained as she turned the laptop around so they could see.  However just before she pressed play an officer was walking in with an older woman. "This is Mrs. Danvers. Kara's mother!" The officer stated. "Ok, please take a seat Mrs. Danvers. As I was explaining to everyone else the security video is very very graphic." Detective Marsh explained as Eliza nodded slowly as she sat next to Lena and Alex.

Detective Marsh pressed play on the video. All four women sat there in coms shock as they watched the horrors play out on the screen. They say Mike and James repeatedly rape, slap, punch, choke and even kick Kara after they successfully drugged her. They heard every disgusting word fall from the men's lips. Heard and saw Kara yell and fight back and scream 'STOP! And 'NOOO!' Over and over again only to be ignored by both men. Then they saw the men leave and Kara pass out from the trauma. Then Lena came in and saw the blonde woman. They watched her call the ambulance and stay with Kara the entire time. Then the video cut off and Detective Marsh shut the laptop. "BASTARDS! I'LL KILL THEM!" Alex growled.

"No one is killing anyone! I've already got officers at the university preparing to arrest them." Detective Marsh explained. They'll soon be in custody and be charged with a bunch of charges and they'll go to trial and be sentenced to many, many years in prison." She continued as everyone nodded along. "Now, does anyone have any more questions?" Detective Marsh asked. Everyone shook their heads 'no' in response. "Ok, I'll let you go back to see Kara." With that Detective Marsh lead them back to the ER where Kara lay.

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