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After everyone left for the night Kara and Lena began watching some rom com on the wall mounted television. "Lee?" Kara asked softly. "Yes?" Lena replied. "Since we aren't going back to our dorm room...where will we live when I'm able to leave?" Kara asked. "I've thought about that already. And I've found a two bedroom apartment in the city, it's close to Alex and Sam's place too so they'll be able to come by often, and visa versa." Lena explained. "A two bedroom? Why a two bedroom?" Kara asked as her voice shook a little.

Lena let out a long sigh before responding. "I thought a two bedroom would be better in case when we got out of here you began to have some PTSD symptoms. I only looked at it because I worry about you not wanting any type of intimate touching for a while, even if it's an arm around your waist while you sleep." Lena explained. "Oh... thank you for thinking of me Lee..." Kara replied softly. Lena nodded and looked back at the television.

A little while later Lena went to get into some pajamas and get into the chair when the clearing of her throat startled her. Spinning around she saw Kara looking at her. "What's wrong?" Lena asked looking at her. "Can you sleep with me tonight? I know that it's not any more comfortable than that chair but you may not hurt your neck any more than necessary...please Lee..for me.." Kara asked softly. "Are you sure Kar?" Lena asked. "Yes...now get in here pleeeeeassseee!" Kara whined as she formed a pout on her face.

Rolling her eyes Lena gently crawled into the hospital bed and pulled the blanket over them as Kara curled up into her arms. "Are you alright?" Lena asked. "Yes Lee, I'm comfortable. Stop worrying so much it'll give you forehead lines. Now cuddle me and go to sleep sweetie." Kara whispered. "Good night darling." Lena replied as she shut her eyes and fell asleep.

Learning...to Trust...to Love...to Feel...AgainWhere stories live. Discover now