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Kara and Lena arrived at Eliza's just in time for dinner that night. "Hello girls! Dinner's ready, go ahead and put your bags upstairs first." Eliza said. A few minutes later they were sat at the table. "This looks delicious Eliza!" Lena said as she scooped up some ziti onto her plate. "Thank you Lena, this is another of Kara's favorites." Eliza said. Lena shot Kara a look. "I have a lot of favorite foods." Kara replied with a smile.

After dinner Kara and Lena went upstairs to get into comfortable clothes before returning down stairs. "I've picked out a movie for us to watch, and made popcorn for you both." Eliza said. "Thanks mom." Kara said. "Yes thank you Eliza, what are we gonna watch?" Lena asked. "Kara's favorite 'The Wizard Of Oz.' She used to watch it all the time as a child." Eliza explained. "Really? It's mine too." Lena replied. They take seats on the sofa and prepare to watch the movie.

As the movie plays on Kara and Lena begin to sing along to the silly songs and start moving on the sofa causing Eliza to chuckle at their antics. It warms her heart to see her daughter and her fiancé having a good time together. Mid way through the movie the popcorn is all but gone but that doesn't seem to bother anyone as they're having too much fun enjoying the movie. Right now Lena's leaning up against Kara's shoulder as the movie continues.

After the movie comes to an end Kara and Lena say they're good nights to Eliza before taking there glasses and popcorn bowl to the kitchen. "Today was fun." Lena said as they lay in bed together. "Yes it was. I'm glad we came up earlier before everyone else." Kara replied. "Are you ready to be married?" Lena asked. "Oh most definitely!" Kara replied with a smile. "Good. Me too. I love you Kara Danvers." Lena whispered. "I love you too Lena Luthor." Kara whispered.

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