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That night Lena held onto Kara as they lay in bed. "That was an amazing speech darling. I'm so proud of you." Lena whispered. Kara only nodded slowly. "It's ok Kara. It's ok, I'm here....shhh now love let's get some sleep..." Lena cooed as she rubbed Kara's back. Eventually they both fell asleep still clinging to one another.

In the morning Lena woke up to Kara curled into her side dried tears on her face. Lena slowly slipped out of bed and walked into the bathroom and got a warm washcloth and began wiping off Kara's face with it. Kara whimpered at the feeling of the sudden warmth on her face. Her eyes opened to see Lena sitting in bed with a washcloth in her hand. "Good morning beautiful." Lena whispered as she continued to wipe off Kara's face. "Why are you washing my face?" Kara whispered her eyes shut. "Dried tears on them love thats all. Are you feeling better?" Lena asked. "Yea...thank you for last night." Kara replied. "You're welcome Kar...but you don't need to thank me. I take care of you when you need me to and then you take care of me when I need it. It's how our relationship goes. Now...are you hungry?" Lena asked. "Yea..." Kara replied softly.

"Come on love, let's make some breakfast. We can just spend today in comfortable clothes if you like." Lena replied. Kara nodded and followed Lena to their kitchen. "What do you feel like having?" Lena asked. "Hmmm maybe some waffles." Kara replied as she pulled out some eggs. "Waffles it is then. Do you want to cook some sausages while I make them?" Lena asked. "Sure." Kara replied.

Together they made a stack of waffles and plate full of sausages. And together the two woman ate most of the food. "That was delicious!" Kara exclaimed. "It was indeed. We make a pretty good breakfast." Lena replied with a smile. "I'll do the dishes, you go shower." Kara said as she collected the plates. "Are you sure? I can help." Lena replied. "Yes love, I'm sure. Now go wash up." Kara replied. "Hmmm...no...I think I'll wait till your done dishes so we can take one together." Lena replied as she walked over to Kara and pressed a kiss to her lips. "That's a better idea." Kara whispered.

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