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After dinner Kara and Lena return to the living room where they sit down and watch another movie. Lena has her legs tucked up underneath her and her head on Kara's shoulder. "You tired love?" Kara whispered as Lena moved her head to Kara's lap. "I'm ok..." Lena yawned. "Come on love. Let's head to bed..." Kara whispered. Lena nodded as she shut the television off and took Kara's hand as they headed off to bed. "Kar...we're taking two months off for our honeymoon..." Lena said. "Two months? What will we do with all that time?" Kara replied. "Hmmm I have many plans to ravish you for hours and hours...maybe even days." Lena growls as she nuzzles her head into Kara's neck. "You definitely won't hear me complain one bit love, come on now Lee...sleepy time."Kara whispered.

In the morning Lena woke up to an empty side of the bed where Kara usually sleeps. Pouting Lena sits up and begins to look around their room for Kara. "Kara?" Lena whispers. "Hummmph?" Kara groans as she sits up looking up at the bed from the floor. "Kara! What happened? Did you fall off the bed? Are you ok?" Lena questions as she rushes around the bed. "I'm ok...my butt does hurt though...but I'll be ok." Kara replied softly.

Lena helped Kara off the floor and examined her making sure notwithstanding was wrong. "You'll have a bruise but you'll be ok. Come on I'll make us some breakfast." Lena replied with a smile. Kara followed Lena out of their room and took a seat at the table as Lena began making food for them. A few minutes later Lena passes her a plate of waffles and sausages. "Here love, eat up." Lena urged. "Thank you Lee." Kara replied with a smile as Lena took a seat next to her and began eating her food too.

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