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After wok ended for the day Lena strolled through Cat Co to Kara's office even with all eyes on her she kept walking to Kara's office. When she entered the office she saw her fiancé on the phone with someone having a heated discussion bout something. "Well I'm sorry you don't like the article I wrote! I was only writing the truth! No! Go ahead tell Miss Grant!" Kara yelled out as she ended the call. "Everything ok?" Lena asked. "No. I wrote an article about the factory jobs in the city and the owner of one of them decided he didn't like that I wrote the truth about how he treats his employees." Kara said. "Well I'm sure Cat will give him a nice talking to, are you ready?" Lena asked. "Yes that was the last phone call I have to deal with now." Kara replied. She grabbed her bag and Lena's hand and walked out of the room.

"So I pulled out some pork chops out last night for tonight's dinner. I'm thinking we could make some garlic pork chops and some asparagus and some squash?" Lena suggested. "That sounds good to me love." Kara replied as they headed to the suv. "So before your phone call and after lunch...was your day good?" Lena asked. "Yes, it was. I had a good meeting with the layout staff, and my article will be on page fourteen of the next issue." Kara replied. "That's amazing news darling!" Lena exclaimed. "Thank you love." Kara replied.

Once they arrived at home they slipped out of their work clothes an into some comfortable clothing and began making dinner. While Kara chopped the yellow squash up Lena put the pork chops in the oven. "This smells good." Lena said as she closed the oven and looked at Kara who was finishing up with the squash. "Yea it does, it always does when we cook together." Kara replied with a smile.

"Shall we do watch something while we're waiting on everything to cook?" Lena asked. "Why not. It'll take a while to have everything steam." Kara said as they walked into the living room.

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