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Kara sat in her office a few hours later typing up another fluff article on the art district when there was a knock on her door. "Come in!" She called out. The door opened up revealing Lena who was holding two large salads and drinks in her hands. "Well hello love!" Kara greeted as she quickly got up to help her. "Hey darling! I thought after this morning I'd come see you this time." Lena replied. "I appreciate that darling." Kara replied. "Come sit, tell me about your day." Lena added. Kara sat next to her fiancé and leaned into her shoulders. "It's been rough. I'm stuck writing stupid fluff pieces." Kara replied. Lena wrapped her arms around Kara and pulled her into a kiss. "I'm sorry love. I'm sure you'll get something interesting to write about soon." Lena replied.

"So..I was thinking maybe this weekend we could go to Midvale and look at the venues for our wedding." Lena suggested. "We can do that. It would be nice to see what our moms found for us. And it'll give us a little break from worrying about our engagement party next month." Kara replied. "Good, I'll get mom to meet us at Eliza's." Lena replied taking a bite of her salad. "I can't wait." Kara replied with a smile.

After lunch Lena spent a few more minutes with Kara discussing their trip. "I gotta get going love. I'll come pick you up later. I love you." Lena said as they shared a few chaste kisses. "I love you too. Don't forget to call Lilian." Kara added as Lena pulled away. "I won't. I'll let you know what she says." Lena called as she got on the elevator. Kara sank back into her chair and finished off the article quickly and sent it off to Snapper.

Inside Lena's office she's on a phone call with her mom. "Kara and I were thinking about going to Midvale this weekend to look over the venues you and Eliza found. And we wanted to know if you'd like to come with us." Lena said. "I think that's a lovely idea. Of course I'll come with you. When do you plan on heading out?" Lilian asked. "Kara and I are thinking about taking Friday off and leaving that morning." Lena added. "Have you told your father?" Lilian asked. "It was his idea." Lena replied. "Oh ok then. And Kara has that Friday off as well?" Lilian asked. "Yes. Cat gave it to her while I was there for lunch." Lena stated. "Ok then I'll see you Friday morning." Lilian said. The call ended and Lena let out a squeal of joy.

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