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For the first time since they got together Lena and Kara are in separate rooms getting ready separately. Today is their wedding day and right now they're both upstairs in the B&B getting dressed for it. Alex, Sam, Maggie and Eliza are together in Kara's room helping her get ready. While Lilian and Eve are in Lena's room helping her get ready. The couple only parted ways after breakfast together at Eliza's house earlier that morning.

"Ok let's do our hair now Kara!" Alex said as she grabbed the curling iron and began curling the blonde locks. Kara sat still letting everyone do stuff around her. She couldn't stop smiling to herself. Today she'd be marrying the woman of her dreams. After her hair was pinned up Maggie came in with Sam to do her make up. The photographers they hired were snapping pictures of both brides getting ready so that they'd have the memories forever. Once the small things were done Eliza helped her get on her dress.

Meanwhile in Lena's room Eve was busy getting Lena's makeup on while Lilian did her hair. Like Kara, Lena couldn't stop herself from smiling. She was soon to be married to her soulmate and nothing could drag her down today. Once her dress was on she got ready to do more photos of where she and Kara would hold hands with a door in between them. When she got there Kara was already on the other side of the door waiting.

"Kara?" Lena whispered. "I'm here Lee." Kara replied as she took Lena's hand in her own. "I love you!" Lena said. "I love you too!" Kara replied. The photographers snapped a lot of pictures of them both in color and black and white. "Ok! It's almost time for the ceremony to start. Time to go ladies." Lilian said. "I'll see you soon Kara." Lena said through the door. "I can't wait Lena." Kara replied as their moms pulled them away.

They agreed that Kara would walk down first then they'd do a first look together when Lena walked down. "Are you ready Kara?" Eliza asked. "Yes mom! I am!" Kara replied with a smile on her face. The music began again and they began walking down the aisle. At the end Eliza let go and took her seat in the front row. Kara's back was to the aisle while Maggie and Alex faced the aisle so they could let Kara know when to turn around.

Suddenly more music played alerting everyone that Sam and Eve were walking down the aisle. Kara smiled at them as they took their positions. Finally the music began again and Alex nodded. Kara turned her head and saw Lena walking down the aisle with Lionel by her side. She looked gorgeous! A permanent smile plastered on her face as she glided towards Kara.

Kara now had tears of happiness falling from her eyes as Lena got closer, this caused happy tears to fall from Lena's eyes. All of this being captured by the photographers. Finally Lena made it to the end and Lionel kissed her cheek before taking Kara's face in his hand and placing a kiss on her cheek too. Lionel knew if Jeremiah was still alive he'd do the same thing but he isn't here so he took it upon himself to do it in honor of his long time friend. More happy tears leaked from the brides faces as Lionel took his seat next to Lilian. 

"Welcome everyone! We are gathered here today to join Lena Kieran Luthor and Kara Danvers in marriage. These two have been friends for a very long time, they've stayed by each other's sides through the good times and bad times, and now they're ready to set out on the journey that is marriage. The brides have both decided to write their own vows so now I shall let them begin. Who would like to go first?" The preacher asked.

"I will." Kara said. The preacher nodded as Kara took Lena's hands in her own and met the green eyes of her wife to be. "Lee...where do I even begin...you're my best friend, my partner in all things, you make me smile when I'm down. You always make me laugh when I feel like crying...you stood by me through out the most traumatic moments of my life...even going as far as telling medical staff you were my wife...just so you could be by my side throughout the whole process. There isn't another person I'd rather do life with. You are my person, my soulmate, my everything. I love you Lena." Kara finished her speech and wiped more tears from hers and Lena's face.

"My turn...I guess...Kara...for years I've sat on the sidelines silently pining for you to be mine. I'm sorry it took something horrible to happen to you to get me to confess my love for you. From that day on I made myself a silent promise to never leave your side again. And I haven't...and I won't ever leave your side ever. You once told me that you always wanted a 'perfect partner' for game nights, and now you have it with me. Your my perfect game night partner, my forever date to gala's parties, wedding's, and everything thing else. I had more written down...but looking at you now I cant' remember any of it...you look breathtaking in that dress...and you made me forget everything else...I love you Kara." Lena finished her speech and wiped tears from both their eyes before turning to the preacher to continue.

"I don't think I need to say anything more except you may kiss the bride!" The preacher said.

Lena pulled Kara's face into her hands and pressed a deep kiss on her lips sealing their marriage. Everyone cheered and clapped. Photographs were snapped as Kara deepened the kiss pulling Lena into her arms. "We're married..." Lena whispered. "Yes we are!" Kara replied. They shared a look  before smiling and taking each others hands and running back down the aisle. Camera's flashed as they took off laughing as they went. 

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