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Later that day Kara arrived at L Corp to pick up Lena after work. She'd just finished her crime spree article just be for the end of the day which she was proud of. Smiling to herself she walked into the elevator that would lead to Lena's office. "Hey love! Are you ready to go home?" Kara asked smiling at Lena. "Almost, just have to hit send on this last email." Lena replied. "Ok." Kara replied as she sat on the sofa. A little while later Lena was packed up and ready to go home. "You ready love?" Lena asked. "Yes." Kara replied. Taking Kara's hand they walked out of the office together and headed towards the elevator.

"How was the rest of your day my love?" Kara asks as they get into the car. "Quiet, thank goodness. How was the remainder of yours?" Lena asked. "Finished my crime article. I got all the information from NCPD I needed to finish it." Kara replied with a smile. "That's wonderful! I'm so proud of you darling!" Lena cooed. "Thank you. What are you thinking for dinner?" Kara asked. "I'm honestly thinking we should go out...what do you think?" Lena asked. "Sounds good to me. Where would you like to go?" Kara asked as the car stopped in front of their building. "I'm thinking about this little Thai restaurant." Lena replied. "That sounds good." Kara replied.

"Alright! Let's go get ready then." Lena whispered as they walked toward the elevator. Lena's lips were on Kara's in an instant pushing the blonde up against the wall of the elevator. Kara's arms wrapped around Lena's neck deepening the kiss. When they pulled apart for air they were both gasping from the heated kiss. "Well...that was amazing." Kara whispered. "Yes it was! Sorry...I've been wanting to do that all afternoon after you left." Lena whispered as they walked into the penthouse.

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