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After taking the room in Kara turned to Lena and kissed her surprising the dark haired woman at first. Slowly she began to kiss back as she pulled the blonde into her arms. Pulling back for air Lena searched Kara's eyes for any sign of wanting to stop. However Kara looked back at Lena with nothing but love and wanting in her eyes. "Do you want to continue Kara?" Lena whispered. "Yes." Kara replied. "Ok...we'll go slow then." Lena replied as she began walking them over to the bed. Slowly the clothes came off one piece at a time, with Lena checking in every time something was removed. Eventually both woman were naked and exploring each others bodies.

This was something they both waited so long to do to one another. And now that they were doing it was like pure magic. Every touch, every kiss was purely bliss. As they continued Lena kept pausing to make sure Kara was ok. Slowly Lena began kissing down Kara's body working her way to the wet core. "You still ok?" Lena asked looking up at Kara who nodded. Slowly Lena inserted one finger into her core causing Kara to whimper.

A few hours later both woman had collapsed on the bed together breathing heavily but both enjoyed what they had just done. "I love you Kara..." Lena whispered. Kara looked at her and smiled before speaking. "I love you too Lena." Kara said. "I could stay here forever...but theirs something I have to do." Lena stated. "What do you mean Lena?" Kara asked as she watched her get out of bed and walked over to her suitcase.

Kara used this opportunity to grab the ring out of her bag and slid it under her pillow. Lena returned to bed a second later with something in her hands. "Kara...." Lena began. "Wait...can I go first? I have something important to say." Kara stated. "Of course darling." Lena replied. Kara sat up and grabbed the ring in her hand before looking at Lena. Taking a deep breath in she began talking.

"Lena...you've been my best friend since we were in diapers all the way through college. You were there for me after the incident happened. You took your time showing me how I should be properly loved and cared for. And tonight...you were so amazing. I knew I was in love with you since our junior year of high school. I was just too shy to say anything about it. However now I'm ready to shout it from the rooftops. I love you Lena Luthor! And now there's one thing I need to know..." Kara opened the ring box revealing the ring inside it. "Will you marry me Lena?" Kara asked. Lena smiled and nodded vigorously before whispering yes over and over again. "You beat me to it Kar! I was gonna do the same thing tonight." Lena replied as she opened the ring box in her hand. "So what do you say?" Lena asked. "Yes of course!" Kara replied as they both slipped their rings on their fingers before sharing a kiss.

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