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A little while later the women sat opposite each other in the back of the restaurant going over the menu. "See anything you like?" Lena asked. "Uh yea, I think I'm gonna get this." Kara replied pointing to a pork dish on the menu. "That sounds good. I'm going to get this." Lena replied showing Kara a chicken dish. The waiter appeared and took their orders and left quickly. "I'm glad we're doing this." Kara stated. "Me too. It seems like with our busy schedules we barely see each other." Lena replied. "Well we see each other for lunch every day and at night for bed." Kara replied with a smile. "Exactly. So that's why I'm going to work less hours and no weekends from here on out. I miss spending time with you." Lena replied. "I like the sound of that. And I can stop working weekends, since my day ends at four." Kara replied.

As they ate they discussed their upcoming engagement party that would be taking place in a couple months it would be held as a gala, and Eliza and Lilian were planning it. "Are you nervous about our engagement party?" Kara asked. "I should be the one asking you that. But no...I'm not nervous." Lena replied. "Oh I'm not nervous not at all. I know it'll be a nice quiet evening." Kara replied. "We should order our outfits soon." Lena replied. "Yes, I know....that part I'm not looking forward to." Kara replied.

"Why's that? Is it because of the tailor?" Lena asked. "No...it's cause I don't know what I want for a dress." Kara exclaimed laughing as she slid into the suv. Lena let out a laugh as she slid in beside Kara. "I think whatever you choose it'll look amazing on you my darling." Lena cooed. "You think? Cause I'm thinking about a low cut dress." Kara replied. Lena's eyes narrowed and a smirk appeared on her face. "You should get one....so I can rip it off you when we go home." Lena whispered. "Mmm...and what will you wear sweetheart?" Kara asked. "I'm thinking a suit...so you can rip it off." Lena whispered. "I like the sound of that." Kara replied as they got out of the suv and made their way up to their penthouse for a long night.

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