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Neither of them heard the hospital room door open up, or the four women that entered the room, or the 'awesss' that accompanied the woman. No, the blonde and raven haired woman were fast asleep in each other's embrace. "They look so happy." Alex whispered. "It's about damn time!" Maggie replied. "I couldn't agree more!" Sam added. "As long as they make each other happy that's all that matters." Eliza stated.

Kara was the first to stir awake realizing that there were people in the room. "Lee..." Kara whispered brushing the strand of hair from her face. "Hmm?" Lena replied. "Everyone's here..." Kara added. "Oh! Ohhh! Hello everyone!" Lena said as she gently sat up in bed. Kara's arms still around her as she moved causing a blush to appear on her face. "Sleep well?" Eliza asked. "Yes.." They both replied.

"We brought breakfast!" Maggie exclaimed handing over some bags full of food. "Oh doughnuts! I've missed you!" Kara exclaimed happily as she took the one from Lena's hand. "Hey! That was mine!" Lena grumbled. "Yes...I know...thats why I took it...you know..what's yours in mine and so on..." Kara replied teasingly. Lena rolled her eyes at the blonde as she grabbed another doughnut. Everyone shared a look at one another as the women in bed jested each other.

"What?" Kara asked eyeing everyone. "You guys are soooo adorable! When did you two become a couple?" Alex asked wagging her eyebrows. Kara and Lena now shared a look. "Ummm...." Kara began. "Well? Last night? When?" Maggie asked. Lena looked at Kara with a questioning look. "We've been caught..." Kara whispered. "I KNEW IT!" Sam exclaimed happily. "Last night...we talked about where we'd live after all this..." Lena began. "That's when Lee said she'd looked at a couple two bedroom apartments. When I asked her why..." Kara added. "I said 'Because I thought Kar would want her own space...after all this.." Lena replied with a soft smile. "That's when I got grumpy with her and basically demanded we get a one bedroom apartment together because I'd feel comfortable close to her, especially if I had nightmares....again..." Kara replied.

"You had nightmares about this?" Eliza asked worriedly. "Last night...thats why I had Lena get in here. She calmed me down and held me." Kara explained. More 'awes' were echoing around the room. "I think it's sweet!" Sam cooed happily.

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