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Finally the night everyone was waiting for had arrived. It was time for Kara and Lena's engagement party! "Are you sure we can't just fly off somewhere tonight and get married?" Lena asked as they got ready. "Hmmm no...our moms would murder us. And I don't want die after just staring our lives as a married couple." Kara replied. Lena stood up from where she was sitting at the vanity and walked over to Kara. "You're always my voice of reason. Come on love, let's get going." Lena cooed. "It's gonna be ok Lee, we'll go, eat, listen to everyone make speeches, dance and then go home and go to sleep." Kara whispered as she leaned into press a kiss to Lena's lips.

Upon arriving at the hotel where the party would be happening Lena and Kara stepped out of the limo and were instantly bombarded by paparazzi snapping their pictures. "No comment!" Were all they replied when asked questions as they walked inside. "Here they are now!" Lilian exclaimed happily as they walked towards everyone. "Hello mother." Lena greeted. "Girls! Come! Come! You have pictures to take for Cat Co Magazine." Lilian stated. Kara and Lena walked over to where the photographer stood ready to snap photos of them together. The couple posed for half a dozen photos together most of which would be in the next article and on the cover of the magazine.

After all the pictures were taken Kara and Lena were free to make their rounds greeting people and making small talk. "Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials!" Everyone told them. They smiled and thanked everyone before returning to the buffet table and filling up their plates with different foods and heading to their table. "So this is fun." Sam said. "Oh yea...parading around like two trained monkeys." Kara groaned. "Oh now you're complaining. Before we left you were hyping me up about this." Lena teased. "Yea...well that was before I realized how much crap we'd have to deal with. I mean...did they really have to invite my boss?" Kara asked her eyes on Cat Grant. "Oh yes they did darling." Lena cooed.

A little while later they were joined by Eve and Lex, along with Lilian, Lionel and Eliza. "They're doing that odd food swap thing again." Lex whispered to Eve. "Hush Lex, it's sweet." Eve replied. "How are the meatballs?" Kara whispered. "Good...here try one." Lena replied picking up one on her fork and passing it to Kara who bit it off. "Yep! Really good!" Kara replied with a smile.

After some food Lena and Kara decided to take to the dance floor. As the music played on in the background Kara and Lena were lost in their own little world swaying to the music. "I love you." Lena whispered. "I love you too." Kara replied.

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