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A couple days later the lawyer arrived at their place along with a small camera crew to record Kara and Lena's testimonies. Both women sat side by side on the sofa as they waited for the camera men to finish setting up. "It's gonna be ok darling." Lena whispered in the blondes ear. Kara nodded slowly. "Ok, I'm gonna ask you questions and you just have to answer them ok Miss Danvers?" The lawyer asked. Again Kara nodded. "Ok! Let's get started." The lawyer stated as he sat opposite Kara in a kitchen chair.

The camera was on both women while they answered the questions. "And thats when you came in Miss Luthor?" The lawyer asked. "Yes sir. I had just come back from the library from looking up a book I needed for a paper when I found Kara on the bed covered in blood and bruises." Lena stated. "And then what did you do?" The lawyer asked. "I called the police after I made sure Kara was alive. I only touched her neck to check for a breath, then I called and waited for the police to arrive along with the ambulance. I rode with her to the ambulance and said I as her 'fiancé' so I could be with her when she woke up. So she wouldn't be alone." Lena replied.

"And how long did it take for Miss Danvers to wake up?" The lawyer asked. "A couple days. She was in bad shape. Her whole body was covered in bruises and dried blood. After I knew she was gonna be ok, I went outside and called her sister Alex. Then I gave the police access to my cameras in our dorm. A few minutes later and Alex arrived at the hospital with her wife Sam. Eliza was the next to arrive. We all were questioned by a Detective Marsh and allowed to go back to Kara's room." Lena stated.

"Is it true that you never left Miss Danvers room after that?" The lawyer asked. "Yes thats true. I was so scared that someone could come in and hurt her again so I stayed there until she was ok to come here." Lena explained. The lawyer turned to Kara and asked her some questions before thanking them both and explaining that the video tape would be used in the trial that was due to begin the next day. "Thank you." Both woman stated with smiles on their faces.

Once the lawyer left Kara collapsed into Lena's arms and began crying. "It's ok Kara..it's ok now darling." Lena whispered as she brought Kara back to the sofa and lay down with her rubbing her back slowly.

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