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"That's the pizza, stay right here and I'll get it." Lena stated. Kara nodded slowly and watched her as she went to the door and got the pizza boxes. She sat them on the coffee table and went and grabbed two cans of cola from the fridge before returning to Kara. "Eat darling, I got two of them." Lena cooed as she sat back down. "Thank you Lee." Kara replied with a smile. They relaxed against the sofa and began eating their food. "So I've invited some people here tomorrow afternoon for lunch. I hope that's ok with you. I don't want you overwhelmed." Lena stated. "I think I should be fine. Who's coming?" Kara asked. "My mom, Lex and Eve, Eliza, Alex and Sam, and Maggie...and...Dean Grant. She wants to talk to us about the attack. I told her to keep the questions easy and if she had any more to contact Detective Marsh." Lena explained. "Ok, what are we gonna serve them?" Kara asked.

"I'm thinking I'd make some chicken dish, maybe with a Caesar salad or something, what do you think?" Lena asked looking at the blonde. "I think that would be perfect. Will you help me get a shower tomorrow morning? Nurse Amanda did it for me today and she took forever!" Kara groaned. "Of course I will darling, and I will do my best not to take 'forever'. Now relax darling, I've got you." Lena cooed with a smile. Kara leaned in to her and continued eating their pizza together as they watched the television show.

A few hours later Lena tossed the pizza boxes into the trash and the cola cans into the recycling before going back to the sofa. "I'm kinda tired." Kara said. "Want me to help you get you to bed?" Lena asked. "Yes please." Kara replied with a smile. Lena helped Kara stand up before wrapping her arms around her waist and lead her toward the bedroom. Slowly she helped Kara get undressed before helping her lay down in bed. "Stay..please.." Kara whispered. "Let me just go lock everything up ok?" Lena explained. Kara nodded with a sleepy smile. Lena hurried around locking the doors and turning off the lights before walking back into their bedroom. Kara was still awake and remained that way till Lena undressed and gently slipped under the covers. "Hold me?" Kara asked softly. Lena didn't respond she just gently pulled Kara into her arms and stroked her back slowly. "Good night Kara." Lena whispered. "Good night Lena.." Kara whispered before closing her eyes. Smiling Lena kissed her forehead before sleep overpowered her too.

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