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A little while later they were enjoying some homemade tacos Lena cooked up. They had returned to the couch to watch a movie before going to bed. "Whats on your mind?" Kara asked. "Just thinking about you." Lena replied as she kissed the blondes forehead. Something had been on her mind recently...Kara knew she wanted to explore their relationship...in more physical way..but she was scared to bring up the topic with Lena. Turning her attention back to the movie Kara just let out a sigh. "You ok?" Lena asked. "Huh? Oh yea...I guess." Kara replied softly.

Lena didn't buy it. She knew Kara better than that. She knew something was up. But she knew Kara wasn't gonna talk about it at least right now. "Kar...you can tell me anything." Lena stated. "I know..." Kara replied. "So? Whats on your mind beautiful?" Lena asked softly. Kara remained silent for a moment thinking of how to answer this question. "Uh...something's been on my mind as of late...I'm not sure how to begin though..." Kara whispered. Lena looked at her studying her facial expressions. "What is darling?" Lena asked moving  a strand of hair from the blondes face.

"Are we ever gonna...you know..." Kara stated. Then it hit her. Lena knew what was bothering Kara. It wasn't the school work or the jobs, or even the fact that she thought she'd have to move out after graduation. She was wondering if they were ever gonna take their relationship to the next level. This time lena took her time to think of how to answer this question. "Are you ready for that? I don't want to rush you or anything." Lena replied softly.

Kara just looked at her with tear filled eyes. "You....you were waiting for me?" Kara asked her voice breaking slightly. "Of course darling. I would never rush anything or push you into anything you didn't feel comfortable doing. I'd wait forever if it took that long." Lena replied with a smile. Kara collapsed into her arms  and began sobbing against Lena's chest. Lena wrapped the blonde in her arms holding her against her.

Learning...to Trust...to Love...to Feel...AgainWhere stories live. Discover now