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Today Lena would start her new job as CFO of the National City L Corp while Kara began her first day of being a Cat Co reporter. After being shown to her office she was given her first assignment. "I want this on my desk tomorrow morning blondie!" The balding man yelled. "Yes Snapper!" Kara groaned as she looked at the paperwork. 'Lena Luthor interview.' Kara read it and burst out laughing. She immediately called Lena's assistant to set up a time to do the interview. "I'll see you this afternoon." Kara replied to the assistant.

Kara quickly decorated her office with a couple pictures of herself and Lena before heading off to L Corp. She stopped at 'Big Belly Burger' and grabbed them some lunch before heading into the building. The elevator ride was quick and she easily made her way to Lena's office. Kara knocked on the door and waited for a response. "Come in!" Lena called. Kara opened the door to see her fiancé sitting behind a large desk. "Kara! What brings you here? And with food?" Lena asked. "You're my first interview!" Kara replied. "Really? That's amazing darling! Shall we eat first?" Lena asked as she joined Kara on the sofa.

"So how do you like it so far Lee?" Kara asked as they ate their food. "It's really interesting. Dad and mom left last night to return to Metropolis so it's just me now. And now they're talking of retiring sooner because I adjusted so well to the CFO position. But enough about me...hows your first day of being a reporter?" Lena asked. "It's really good so far. I have my own office with a window and here I am on my first assignment. Snapper is a bit of an ass but I can handle it." Kara explained.

After lunch Kara jumped into the interview keeping it as non biased as she could. Before she left to go back to work she kissed Lena. "I'll be by to pick you up at five...maybe earlier so I can see your office." Lena whispered. "Mmm thats ok with me darling. I'll see you later." Kara replied as she kissed Lena once again before leaving the office.

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