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The morning sun peeked through blinds that morning. Lena lay there watching the blonde sleeping peacefully in her arms, it was such a difference from the days before when Kara would have a night terror and shake violently in her sleep causing Lena to wake up and console her. But last night the blonde slept through the night without a sound. Lena couldn't stop the feelings that bubbled inside her chest as she watched Kara sleep. She knew today she'd have to talk to Kara about what they were relationship wise, but that time would come later. For now all Lena wanted to do was watch her sleep and hold her.

Slowly Kara began to stir letting Lena know she was waking up. Fluttering her eyes she saw Lena smiling at her. "Good morning!" Lena whispered. "Good morning!" Kara replied. "We should probably get up now so we can get ready for this afternoon." Lena added. "You're right Lee.." Kara replied as she gently sat up in bed. After showers and getting dressed Lena helped Kara to the sofa where she sat down. Lena took a moment before sitting down beside her. "Kar.." Lena began softly. "Yes?" Kara asked. "I'm not sure how to go about asking this...but I need to know...what are we?" Lena asked hesitantly. "How do you mean? Aren't we a...a couple?" Kara whispered.

Lena didn't know how to react to the blondes words. "Is that what you want?" Lena asked looking at Kara. "Yes..." Kara replied with a soft smile. Letting a breath out she didn't know she was holding Lena gently pulled the blonde into her arms in a tight hug. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Kara asked. "No, I want you to sit here and relax darling. I'll do all the work today. Your mom, Alex, Sam and Maggie are arriving in an hour so just relax ok?" Lena asked. "Ok, I'll relax for you Lee." Kara replied softly. "Good, I'm gonna go prepare the chicken and get the salad going." Lena replied with a smile as she turned and left Kara on the sofa.

Learning...to Trust...to Love...to Feel...AgainWhere stories live. Discover now