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Friday morning came around and the suv was packed with luggage for their long weekend of looking over wedding venues. Kara and Lena were all set to go to Midvale with Lilian. "Hello girls!" Lilian cooed as she climbed into the back seat willingly. "Good morning!" Kara replied. "Will we be stopping for breakfast along the way?" Lilian asked. Kara looked at Lena who nodded. "Yes, there's a cafe along the way we can stop at." Lena replied. "Oh good." Lilian replied.

Most of the way to the cafe was silence except for talking about the wedding. "Have you discussed the honeymoon?" Lilian asked. "We're thinking about someplace where we can have our privacy." Lena replied. "And have you discussed children?" Lilian asked as Lena pulled off into the dirt parking lot of the cafe. "We have. We've talked about having two...but are very open to four at the most." Kara replied. "Four? That's quite a lot." Lilian replied as they got out of the suv. "Well it's just an idea. Kar and I will be happy with however many we have." Lena stated as she wrapped an arm around Kara's waist as they walked into the cafe.

"What can I get you ladies?" The waitress asked. "We'll have two cups of coffee to start and whatever my mother wants." Lena said. "Coffee as well for me too." Lilian replied. The waitress left giving them time to look over the menu. A few minutes passed and their coffees were brought to them. "And to eat?" The waitress asked. Lena looked at Kara who smiled. "I'll have the pancakes and bacon." Lena replied. "And I'll have the waffles and sausage." Kara replied. "I'll have the toast and scrabbled eggs and bacon." Lilian replied.

A little while later their food arrived and Kara and Lena passed each other some of their breakfast. Lena taking a waffle and some sausage  and Kara taking a pancake and some bacon. Lilian eyed them curiously before digging into her breakfast. "How come you two swap breakfast foods?" Lilian asked. "Cause Lee likes one pancake, on waffle and some bacon and sausage, and I like the same. We do this all the time. We order something we both enjoy and swap our foods." Kara replied. "It's how was show our love mom." Lena stated.

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