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A few hours later the hospital room filled with people all asking Kara all kinds of questions all at once. Lena could see the blonde beginning to tense up as the questions continued getting fired at her. "Guys! Relax with the questions please!" Lena demanded. "Sorry darling, we didn't mean to fire questions at you." Eliza stated. "It's ok mom...I just need everyone to go slower with the questions." Kara replied softly. Everyone took a seat and Eliza began with simple questions. "How are you feeling?" "I'm ok, really sore and stuff but I'll be ok with time." Kara replied her hand never leaving Lena's.

After a while Kara managed to answer everyone's questions. "When does Maggie arrive?" Kara asked as Lena helped her feed her. The was a knock on the hospital door as they spoke. "Come in!" Kara called out. "I'm back bitches! Now...what's all this about?" Maggie asked her eyes moving over the hands together and the way Lena was feeding the blonde. "Hey Maggie! You just missed everyone else, they went to grab lunch." Lena replied.

"Ah ok, well I'll just hang out here then. How are you feeling Kar?" Maggie asked. "Sore." Kara replied softly. "Oh...well that's..." Maggie began however was quickly interrupted by the door opening up and an older woman in a suit appeared. "Detective Marsh! Welcome back!" Lena said greeting the woman. "Hello Miss Luthor. Ah, Miss Danvers, glad to see your awake and eating. You have a lovely fiancé here. She never left your side once." She explained. Kara shot Lena a look before turning her attention back to the older woman.

"Uh...yea...she's been absolutely amazing." Kara replied with a smile. "Is it ok if I ask you some questions?" Detective Marsh asked. "Of course!" Kara replied with a soft smile. The older woman pulled out a notepad and began asking questions. Some of them were harder to answer than others however Lena who was still holding her hand relaxed her a bit. "Is there anything else you can remember Miss Danvers?" Detective Marsh asked. "Uh...I remember the beating they gave me, I blacked out after James punched me in the back of the head...then the next thing I remember is waking up here with Lena by my bed asleep." Kara explained.

"Thank you for your time Miss Danvers. I'll be in touch in a few days. In the meantime if you remember anything else don't hesitate to call me." Detective Marsh stated as she gently shook Kara's hand before leaving the room.

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